Thursday, April 7, 2011


What do you do when your waiting for the train to pass and there is nothing on the radio to sing along to? Take out your camera and snap a shot or two. The clouds didn't look that threatening but we did end up with rain this evening!


Allison said...

Ooo, I like the eerie sky and the flashes of red. Too bad you didn't have a sundae to "slam your face in" while you waited! :D

Olivier said...

remarque il vaut mieux attendre que le train passe, il semble assez puissant ;)

Carola said...

Great shot, I especially like the red lights.
Do you carry your normal camera with you?

Alan said...

I'm not sure how, but you've turned a very ordinary scene into something quite attractive, Randy.

Regina K said...

Great way to spend your time waiting and you capture a wonderful photo!

Marty said...

I love this shot ! it's very nice and the train with this bird is beautiful!
bisous Randy

Kathy said...

Look at that engine car. Even a roadrunner painted on it! All we see around these parts are freight cars.

Michelle said...

Cool shot of an ordinary moment.

Luis Gomez said...

Always time well spent!

TexWisGirl said...

you can make art anywhere, can't you? :)

becky said...

Great shot, Randy. Lots going on in it, w/ the train, traffic & weather. It was nice to get rain! I was thinking "how odd," since I was getting used to just snow or sunshine. It makes it smell so fresh out there! Hope your week is going well.

Halcyon said...

I love it when the train passes. Looks like your commuter train has a cute bird on it!

Sharon said...

Nice shot. Many times I've whipped out the camera while waiting in traffic. Not always with such nice results.

Lúcia said...

Sometimes we shot something and have a good surprise later when wee see the photo enlarged at home. ;-)
Good shot!

Anonymous said...

Well it gives you time to pause and look at things around you. For example, I didn't even notice the roadrunner painted on the side until I read Kathy's comment.

Eyeliquor 2 said...

Nice capture Randy!
I like that bird on the train :)
Well done!

Jack said...

Randy, I like the red flashes here and there, as well as the ominous sky.

Unknown said...

Love the red lights against the cloudy sky. Great timing too.

Magpie said...

Love the roadrunner on the engine. We had rain last night too. :)

clairz said...

We are not terribly far from the train tracks that go through the Mesilla Valley. Come to think of it, no one who lives in the valley is far from the tracks. I always love the sound of a train.

How lucky you are to have clouds--and rain, too, I hear! Please send some south, we could use it for sure.

youth_in_asia said...

You know how to stay occupied! Great shot of the train. I love the red lights and the sky.

RedPat said...

A super shot - I too like that bird!

cieldequimper said...

Oh wow, what is that bird on the train? It gives that photo the little bit of umph to make it absolutely smashing!

Cezar and Léia said...

Stylish train!
God bless you!

Ian Waelder Vásquez said...

Such an interesting blog, very nice shots.

Greetings from Mallorca, Spain!!

Butter-Brot-Mensch said...

nice post!like the sky :)

Shannon said...

We were watching this Denzel Washington movie the other day about a runaway train and it got me thinking...we don't have trains here. It's funny that I hadn't really thought of that in a long time. So I don't have the wait for a train to pass experience. But if I did, knowing me I'd probably count something.

Sebab said...

Beautiful Pictures!

Olga said...

The train with the bird looks really whimsical. Very interesting photo.

Lowell said...

Nice! Serendipitous! Sounds like you, like I, carry a camera at all times.

Tiago Braga said...

like it very much! good job with the coulors :P

Linda said...

The notion of a white train wouldn't really work in Scotland. It would be dirty in no time!