Saturday, April 23, 2011

Like Sunshine

This is one of my favorite gates in the city. I really love the shape and that wonderful shade of yellow. The donkey decor is pretty cute too.


VP said...

Everything is nice and unusual in this beautiful door!

La sonrisa de Hiperion said...

La puerta amarilla...
Saludos y un abrazo.

Marty said...

I love the 340 yellow gate too !
happy Easter Randy !

Lowell said...

Excellent, Randy. I agree re the shape and color. I'd say more about the donkey thing, but don't want to make an ass of myself! :-)

Have a great weekend!

Kathy said...

Wishing you a weekend filled with sunshine.

Dawn said...

Now that is one PERFECT hole in the wall!!! Love it:)

Regina K said...

That is a wonderful gate.

TexWisGirl said...

it is neat! very inviting, i'd say! and not turquoise!

Michelle said...

I love how it is just a tad bit lopsided.

becky said...

Yellow is such a happy color, and this is such a contrast to the usual blue doors here.

Luis Gomez said...

Love the adobe.

Anonymous said...

That is really unique! And not your traditional Santa Fe blue. Must be a rebel rouser behind it. :-)

Anonymous said...

That is a neat style of gate. It appears the same theme was used for the doorway to the house. Just a small portion shows off to the right.

Sharon said...

A very pleasant departure from the standard turquoise color.

Judy said...

I can see why you like it! It is a great door.

Leena said...

What a lovely gate, I do like the yellow, too! Have a nice Easter week end, Randy!

Unknown said...

Glad you have mentioned the donkey or I would not have seen it. I agree with VP, everything is nice and unusual here. Love it.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

I do too, Randy! Mabel would have liked this one as well. The yellow is a nice and interesting change from the usual shades of blue.


RedPat said...

What a quirky little gate! Love that donkey and the adobe arch!

Allison said...

I've yet to see yellow such as this in your beloved Santa Fe. This is new! Very inspiring.

PETRO50 said...

Beautiful doors. Exceptional shape. The yellow color is unusual, but here is one. Good day! Peter.

Lúcia said...

I love yellow!
Donkeys are so sweet, aren't they? ;-)

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Interesting indeed !

Kate said...

Somehow I expect gates in SF to be either turquoise or blue, but this one definitely works and stands out!

Magpie said...

The yellow is a lovely, buttery shade.

Becky said...

Oh, I'm with you! Lovely gate - I'd love to have a kitchen that colour!