Saturday, April 30, 2011

Saturday Spring Color

Our weather has been crazy here in Santa Fe. One day it's cold the next it's warm. The Spring color is everywhere and hopefully the cold won't kill it. The weatherman is forecasting snow for us on Sunday.


This is Belgium said...

beautiful, colorful, peaceful

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

You said spring, and the weather forecast is snow coming ! ...
I am speechless !

Carola said...

I like the mix of flowers with the tree behind. Spring is so wonderful. Hope it's just a bit snow and the weather changes quickly after, back to warm.

Kathy said...

I sure hope it doesn't snow on those beautiful tulips!

cieldequimper said...

Snow in May in Santa Fe, I just can't believe it! Maybe the weatherman is wrong, lol! Lovely tulips, enjoy a colourful weekend!

La sonrisa de Hiperion said...

Tulipanes con el color español, rojo y amarillo, jajaja

Saludos y un abrazo.

Cezar and Léia said...

So charming stoned wall with lovely colors and flowers around!
Great composition!

Betty Manousos said...

what a beautiful and delicate picture!
thanks so much for sharing.

have a great weekend!

Leif Hagen said...

Such lovely spring flowers! Finally we see some here in Minnesota after this year's longgg winter!
Happy weekend, Randy!

Allison said...

Such a lovely curve in the landscaping. And you are so right about the "curb appeal" of the flag house. arg!

Michelle said...

Snow....that four letter word. For us it is rain all the time...the other four letter word.

becky said...

Randy, it has been crazy hasn't it? The wind foiled me again- so I checked the weather last night & was surprised to see the forecast for snow! I think the spring color will survive the cold... I just worry about it getting blown away, ha ha. Have a happy saturday! :)

Marty said...

snow ?? on these beautiful flowers ? I can't believe it !!
enjoy when it's warm Randy !!!

TexWisGirl said...

it is an up/down weather pattern, isn't it? we've been close to 90s this week, then tomorrow we're supposed to have 50s in Texas too... no snow tho!

Halcyon said...

I love tulips. The color on these is perfect!

Dawn said...

Nice splashes of color. Your weather sounds like ours! (except I haven't seen color yet here;)

T. Becque said...

Snow?! Wow, we have officially reached "hot", we'll be in the 90's - yuck!

Regina K said...

I love the spring colors!!

Luis Gomez said...

Really colorful!

Anonymous said...

Seriously, SNOW? Stay warm and enjoy the beautiful flowers!

johnny said...

la primavera es un milagro de colores y luz¡¡¡¡¡Saludos

Anonymous said...

Egads, snow? What ever happened to global warming? Love the tulips but we cannot have any. Deer think they are candy.

RedPat said...

Snow!! OMG - I hope we don't hear that in any more forecasts this spring. Good luck!

Sharon said...

SNOW??? That is crazy! I hope the tulips survive. They can usually handle a little snow as long as there isn't a hard freeze.

VP said...

Strange weather, colorful surprises!

Judy said...

Yes, crazy weather here up in the mountains too. Crazy weather everywhere I guess.
I'm glad those tulips got a chance to show their stuff.

youth_in_asia said...

Sounds like spring out here. Great shot though, the colors are great throughout the whole photo.

Kate said...

Your weather sounds a bit like ours, but I haven't seen an spring buds here yet. These flowers in your photo definitely are a bright spot.

Unknown said...

Same weaher here, spring time its like that one day sun one day rain, its very fun be on the beach and run.
Good shot i lke your photos.
Greetings from Spain.

Unknown said...

Weather is crazy here too: yesterday a hailstorm hit Lisbon like I've never seen before. So much damage!!! The day before I was swimming at the beach!... Beautiful and cheerful shot.

Magpie said...

It is beautiful spring color. I,too, hope the snow doesn't hurt things. It has been a crazy spring weather-wise all over.

Teté M. Jorge said...

Lovely image...

In Brazil it is fall... sometimes it's sunny, sometimes it rains. A day is cool, the other a little heat... the best thing about this is admire nature so huge! :))

A warm hug.

Lúcia said...

Yesterday we had a very sunny day around here, but we don't have spring signs anymore...
Cool shot. ;-)