Friday, April 15, 2011

Bad Week Reflection?

Talk about being shocked! I thought I was looking at a reflection after this long week ha ha. I found this stenciled art just outside of Warehouse 21. Read more about this great organization here.

Have a great weekend everyone!


Dawn said...

That's pretty "cool"...every place needs an organization similar!
Amazing artwork:)

Here's to Friday!!!

Olivier said...

ah ah ;)) impressionnante cette peinture "murale"

Kathy said...

More communities should have such organizations for its youth. Hope the coming weekend puts a smile on the monkey's (and your) face!

Traveling Hawk said...

Ha, ha! Fire is coming out of my nose when I am angry!

EG CameraGirl said...

I certainly hope that's NOT your reflection. :))

Regina K said...

Warehouse 21 looks like a great place for youth. I found some programs I wanted to attend.

VP said...

An nteresting idea and a funny symbol!

Lowell said...

Very funny! But I think Warehouse 21 is doing a fantastic takes special people to do that kind of work and know how to relate to the young!

Cezar and Léia said...

I like your idea for this post, you are always so creative! ;)
Happy weekend,

Unknown said...

Very cool! Funny post too. :-)

becky said...

I seriously doubt you'd look anything like this- even after a long week! What a great way, though for kids to express themselves (& stay out of trouble!) We needed something like this in my town when i was growing up!

TexWisGirl said...

wow! you must've had a rough week then! :)

Sharon said...

You made me chuckle. Sounds like a great organization. Have a good weekend.

Lúcia said...

Very nice shot, you found a very interesting way to frame it. I like stencils.
Have a great Friday Randy!

lizziviggi said...

Ha ha! I like that little guy! I clicked on the link-- it sounds like a wonderful organization.

Anonymous said...

Nice catch Randy!
Weekend is here! no more monkey business ;)

La sonrisa de Hiperion said...

Mira como fuma el jodio... jajaja

Saludos y un abrazo.

Anonymous said...

Hey, at least you have a sense of humor about it, right? LOL. Great place for the kids. Have a super weekend yourself!

Magpie said...

Very funny! You've got to catch their attention before you can help.

Anonymous said...

Something like this randomly done in a public place is much nicer than the usual graffiti we are subjected to. I hope next week is less demanding for you Randy. I respect your comment on my blog regarding Tombstone. Hope it didn't offend you. I am sure I am in the minority with my thoughts. If not, the tourist Tombstone would not be thriving as it is.

youth_in_asia said...

Wait, so this is a reflection? This is what Randy looks like!?

Just kidding. Great shot and very cool stencil. I'm sure they have little trouble grabbing attention for what they do.

RedPat said...

Nice find - there is some great stencil art around!

Marty said...

it seems to be a great place W.21 !
funny shot ! I hope a wonderful weekend for you Randy ! bisous

Anonymous said...

Warehouse 21 looks interesting place.
Enjoy your wonderful weekend!

Anonymous said...

Nice organization for young people! If I smoked I's give it up...*smile*...after seeing the stenciled monkey!

T. Becque said...

That's kind of spooky looking!
No technique other than camera and film on my last photo. :)

Alan said...

When my partner's having an intense day, she reckons there are "monkeys with knives" in her head:-) Nice photo randy!

Allison said...

Sometimes you just have to hang loose.