Saturday, April 9, 2011

Smart and Colorful

On the way home yesterday this colorful little Smart car pulled up next to me. I only had a few seconds left on the red light to get my camera out of the bag and snap the shot. It was a hilarious few seconds but worth the effort.


Dawn said...

Now THAT is a car;)))
Wowee...I wonder who the driver is...?

Marty said...

It would be nice if the cars were
painted ! the colors are amazing !
I love it ! great shot Randy !
have a wonderful weekend

Anonymous said...

I've never seen these artistic smart in Japan. It is nice design and nice color.

Allison said...

I know those hilarious seconds far too well! (so does my family as they moan in the seats behind me). You get a lot of great shots from your car, Randy! I wouldn't mind being your co-pilot for an afternoon -I'll bet it's an experience all in its own! (I'll bring the shakes.) ;)

Lúcia said...

Love the shot and the title!
Perfect for a Saturday's post. ;-)

Regina K said...

Appropriately artistic car in Santa Fe. Great catch!

Doug Hickok said...

That's one cool looking car. Excellent shot to grab this image Randy.

TexWisGirl said...

now THAT'S the way to drive a Smart Car! Smart, Loud and Proud!

Kathy said...

Very eclectic!

becky said...

That's awesome. I can't imagine the time that went into painting this car!

Luis Gomez said...

A fun ride!

Berit said...

Oh, what a colorful car. I like it:)
Have a nice evening.
Greetings from,

Anonymous said...

I like the pop art style of flowers. It should have been left at that. At least she will not have trouble finding her little car in the mall parking lot.

cieldequimper said...

There are millions of Smarts here but none like this one! :-) Happy weekend!

Sharon said...

Great job! I've had a few of those humorous moments myself. Usually wnen the strap on the camera gets caught on something while I'm rushing to get it out.

Anonymous said...

I understand that...about getting the camera out at a stoplight! Great shot of new age hippie...I LOVE it!

Carola said...

Great catch! So colorful. Perfect titel.

Eyeliquor 2 said...

Smart catch randy ;)
This promises to be a fun weekend!

youth_in_asia said...

I bet they don't mind the gas prices! Great colors on that car.

RedPat said...

I love it! Great capture - well worth the panic.

Judy said...

I want that!!

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Quick-draw McGraw -- remember him or are you too young? Great capture and quick on the camera!


Michelle said...

I could totally see my daughter driving this in a few years!

QueenTracy said...


Unknown said...

The coolest Smart I've seen.

Cezar and Léia said...

Wow I want one for me! So fashion!
Léia ;)

Olivier said...

superbe look pour cette smart ;)

beth said...

i'm not sure my camera bag would even fit in that car with me....but is sure is cute :)

Carlos said...

Wow, really nice captured

Armand Cordero said...

This is pretty neat, too bad it only carries two passengers. Someone's always gonna get left out ! Much better than my dirty car !

Lowell said...

It certainly is an attention-getter. Probably not one a photographer should drive - most of the times I want to be anonymous and off in the background snapping away!

Magpie said...

What a design! There's someone who's not afraid to be noticed.

Janie said...

Worth every effort indeed. Great color. Cool blog, and I look forward to your posts.

Gunn said...
