Monday, April 4, 2011

A Monday Kind of Feeling.

It starts with an early morning meeting and ending with a class until 9pm. Be kind Monday.


Olivier said...

la nature qui pleure et qui est blessé.

Dawn said...

Sounds like Monday already is planning to be a bit ruthless. Hopefully no barbs will be added;)
Just less than 24 hours it will all be over:))

Anonymous said...

uscaciunea cu frumusetea ei

VP said...

You made me smile... on Monday!

Carola said...

Oh. poor Randy. This must be a hard day. It's a hard photo, but interesting.
Hope. Things will be better. At the end of the day.

Cezar and Léia said...

You know...this is the way I'm feeling today as well! :)
And I'm already tired again!

Luis Gomez said...

Have a great week Randy!

Lowell said...

Sounds like a long day and your photo is perfection! Re your comment on Ocala DP: So now my photos are giving you gas? Heh, heh!

Try not to get too wired today!

Sharon said...

Sounds like a long day. Monday is a day full of meetings for me! Hang in there!

Kate said...

Looks like the barb is becoming imbedded in the post. Like, too, has many barbs but hang in there Randy!!

Traveling Hawk said...

That's a good expression of it, Randy, I agree :)

Halcyon said...

Ah yes, I remember that Monday feeling. Nice shot to describe it in a picture.

Michelle said...

Mondays can be brutal....stay strong!!!

Lúcia said...

Here we have a cloudy morning, not the happiest mood too...
But don't worry, time flies. ;-)
Have a good new week!

Anonymous said...

Bad Monday, great picture.

Allison said...

Oh... oh! Courage! I hope you see a fabulous sunset on your way home tonight.

Very thought-provoking picture today, Randy!

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Great shot and just perfect for a Monday. Your caption sealed the deal on this one, Randy!


TexWisGirl said...

oh dear!

Magpie said...

Great photo to represent how you feel. Hope you find treasures along the way to balance things out.

EG CameraGirl said...

I guess you are having a barbed-wire day! A LONG one!

Judy said...

It may be sharp but it makes a nice photo. The ranchers around here call this "bob warr".

Eyeliquor 2 said...

Hang in there Randy :)
Love the picture!

youth_in_asia said...

You got it! Pretty much summarized all of our moods. Nice shot.

cieldequimper said...

Oh lol! Excellent.
Monday was okay but Tuesday is going to start weirdly. A VERY early meeting which I was supposed to do from home... but forgot the laptop at the office... :-)

RedPat said...

I hope the day is gentle to you!

Unknown said...

Hope monday was not that bad for you... :-)

Regina K said...

It was that kind of day too!

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

Just trying to catch up with everyone and your shots of the last three days are very interesting. I especially like the barbed wire.

becky said...

At the time I write this, only a few more hours to go. Hope you're making it through! I had a long day @ work today, too. How's your class going?

Alan said...

Love this picture Randy, especially in the context of your message. Very creative! Not looking forward to Monday blues when I go back to "real life" in July!

Martina said...

A year ago, on a different continent ... anything - lol.

Sérgio Pontes said...

I like this one very much