Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Clouds II

Shortly after leaving the museum I walk by the plaza. It was pretty chilly so there weren't many people out enjoy a Spring day. There were a few clouds flying by though.


Olivier said...

belle petite place avec un superbe ciel

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Can't understand why there is no people, I would long for such weather ! it's 30 degree +++ 365 days here in my country !!!

VP said...

Love the almost bare branches trying to catch the passing fluffy clouds...

Birdman said...

I'll see these greens and clouds soon, I hope.

Cezar and Léia said...

So adorable scenery there!
The trees are beautiful!

Regina K said...

Nice view of plaza and sky

Traveling Hawk said...

I love that place, Randy! You made me happy! Are the natives still selling their craft products there?

Unknown said...

It doesn't look cold! :-)

becky said...

Looks like a lovely spring day, and isn't it nice to be out walking without the crowds?! Happy wednesday!

Kate said...

The leaves look like they're budding, the grass is green, and the sun is shining. Looks like a perfect day to me!

TexWisGirl said...

those are lovely puffs. :)

Luis Gomez said...

Great looking place. Beautiful image Randy!

Sharon said...

Beautiful clouds to compliment Cloudscape!

Lúcia said...

Beautiful place to go for a walk!
I believe I'd seen that plaza before, with Christamas light, right?! ;-)
Have a great day Randy!

zaloette said...

It seems a very nice place Randy! And a very nice one to take a walk.

Have a great day Randy,


Anonymous said...

It looks beautiful!

Magpie said...

What a beautiful plaza! I would be hard pressed to "walk" by. I would have to linger awhile.

Judy said...

Now, that is a spot that I recognize from the few times I was there. Very peaceful scene.

cieldequimper said...

Just my kind of weather, perfect for a (photo) walk!

Anonymous said...

It looks like your trees are ahead of ours here in Sonoma County, CA. in leafing out. It has been chilly most every day since I returned. Should have stayed in the desert longer I think.

RedPat said...

It looks like one of those coolish spring days when the sun feels fabulous!

Amanda said...

Looks like a nice place to pass by

Lowell said...

A lovely, bucolic scene. And yes, the clouds are quite nice!

Halcyon said...

Perfect clouds!

Unknown said...

That the clouds are beautiful, the penalty is when the wind comes
Greetings from Spain

T. Becque said...

It looks so sunny and warm though! Funny how pictures can be deceiving.