Wednesday, April 20, 2011


"The bones seem to cut sharply to the center of something that is keenly alive on the desert even tho' it is vast and empty and untouchable... and knows no kindness with all its beauty." (Georgia O'Keeffe)

I found these bare bones behind the bare branches of this tree while on a walk.


Olivier said...

une protection pour faire peur aux enfants ;)

zaloette said...

Hi Randy,

That remmebers me of my childhood, when I used to walk far from home and into the fields and try finding some bones that I loved to imagine belonged to dynosaurs and all that child stuff :)

Kind regards,


VP said...

A bit macabre as image, but perfect for the poem...

Lúcia said...

That's very unexpected, but they match really well with the adobe and the bare tree. Cool find!
Have a nice day!

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

It seems to be mud wall of some kind, very unique landscape ! interesting for me as I have never seen before ...

becky said...

Ah, Georgia~ she has some wonderful quotes! Good eye spotting those bones! Happy wednesday!

TexWisGirl said...

looks like our yard (thanks to 4 out of 5 dogs who bring back 'parts' from pastures nearby...)

Halcyon said...

Nice "skeleton". I like this shot.

Sharon said...

Soon they will be providing cooling shade!

Luis Gomez said...

Wonderful Randy!

Birdman said...

The wall, the branches the bones-- they all add to the shot.

Anonymous said...

The remains of one great bar-b-que?

Judy said...

Love the words and the picture. They go well together.

Kathy said...

I think I'll concentrate on how lovely it will be when the tree buds out. I've never understand decorating with dead animal parts!

RedPat said...

Great composition and you got your nice blue window frames in there again!

Dawn said...

Great Bare Bones capture.
Like the background.

EG CameraGirl said...

Interesting. Bare bones seem so western to me. Maybe it's something I absorbed through osmosis watching cowboy movies. :)

Beatriz said...

it seems me very delicate,

Kind regards

Allison said...

Wonderful! Deliciously creepy and eerie and colorful. You always surprise me, Randy.

Jack said...

Randy, whenever I see bleached bones, I think "Santa Fe." Where do they all come from?

Alan said...

Somebody finally revealed the skeleton in their closet, eh?:-) Well spotted Randy.

Unknown said...

In fact, I always associate adobe and bones to the desert. It's quite a fitting combination.

Magpie said...

Intriguing words and nice capture on the photo.