Thursday, April 28, 2011

Embudo Designs.

Want some color in your kitchen? These colorful artistic potholders are the product of artist Joan McDonald from Embudo Fabric Designs. You can find them all over town, the Farmer's Market and on their website. We have a few at home and I can tell you one thing they hold up well after coming to close to the fire.


Allison said...

The very thought that you can vouch for that is kind of scarey Randy. Keep the extinguisher close just in case. :D

Kathy said...

I'll take the "devil" one in the lower left.

Regina K said...

What fun potholders! I want one!

VP said...

I'd like one of these, they seem useful and creative objects.

Kate said...

What a great and artistic array of utilitarian objects.

Luis Gomez said...

These are really cool Randy.

Sharon said...

These are great! I'd love to have one!

TexWisGirl said...

(made me laugh at the thought of you scorching them!)

lovely designs! of course i adore the cat and dog ones, and the armadillo is cute, but the one that got me is the multi-armed goddess with broom, coffee pot, etc. ha!

Cezar and Léia said...

They're very colourful indeed, I particularly like the ones portraying animals.
God bless you!

Halcyon said...

Cute and colorful! I may have to order one for my MiL.

Lowell said...

Very colorful and I think they would be an appetite-booster in the kitchen, not to mention keeping your hands from getting burned (or your table!)...

Anonymous said...

They look too nice and better suited as an art piece hanging on the wall rather than playing with fire.

PETRO50 said...

Yes, just mmně thought on potholders. They finished art works. Home is widely used, but not those from McDonald's. Always choose colors that match our home environment. Salute. Peter.

zaloette said...

Hi Randy!

Very nice potholders. Now that I just changed my kitchen, I guess that the red ones would fit nice.

Kind regards,


becky said...

they're beautiful! may have to get one one of these days!

RedPat said...

I love them - what a great idea!

Marty said...

This is what I need ! some are really beautiful ! a colorful shot !
bisous Randy

Lúcia said...

I like the old can, that version of Shiva, and the other one with the dog. ;-)

Magpie said...

Such talent. I love the armadillo in the requisite blue boots. Too cute!

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Don't play with fire! Actually, we have to toss them every now and then for scorch marks. I melt glass and only burn myself in the kitchen on the oven racks, never with the molten glass - hah!


sur l viro said...

muy buena

cieldequimper said...

What in heaven's name do you cook?! ;-) These are really funny!

EG CameraGirl said...

What fun! I'd feel bad about getting one dirty, though.

Carola said...

Pretty cool, and so colorful. It looks like that each one is telling an own story.

Jack said...

I prefer not to let anyone know I can cook. That way I am not called upon to do it.

Birdman said...

These are just so cool.

Jeroen said...

colourful indeed! Reminds me a bit of the colors you sometimes see in the Provence kitchens (south of France)

Anonymous said...

Wow! So pretty!