Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Passionate About Coffee?

Some people just have to have it first thing and others don't care when but it has to be good. These people obviously love their coffee.


VP said...

You could have saved this for the next Theme Day: it is great!
Even here, once and then, you can get an awful cup of coffee!

Unknown said...

I always like mai boxes from Usa, the are particular.
Greetings from Spain.

Jack said...

I love coffee, too, but it sure wouldn't occur to me to post anything about it on my mailbox.

Lúcia said...

That was fun!
Have a good day Randy! ;-)

cieldequimper said...

Lol, I wouldn't know, I don't like coffee!

TexWisGirl said...

i have to have it first thing but then stay away from it during the day so i can sleep again at night. that's a pretty passionate message. :)

Sharon said...

I never acquired a taste for coffee and I don't drink it to this day. However, chocolate is another matter all together.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

I enjoy coffee, good coffee... What a great eye you have to have spied this shot!


Anonymous said...

The mailman never gave it a thought. Now, facing this message every day, the mailman has become a coffee snob. His wife has threatened to leave him.

Magpie said...

I'm glad to read I'm not the only one who doesn't drink coffee. I love the way it smells, but it always tastes bitter or burnt to me.

Alan said...

I'm with these folk 100%. To borrow from another regular visitor to your blog, it's my favourite way to break through the morning fog!

Judy said...

This is a cool shot and oh, yes, don't mess with my coffee!

Dawn said...

That is my morning (and all day long) mantra!

Anonymous said...

I agree! Great photo!

RedPat said...

Great capture - gave me a smile!

Stefan Jansson said...

The best coffee is served at my favorite cafe in Handen.

PETRO50 said...

And of course I love coffee, but this marked a mailbox? That's good. Good day! Peter.

Kate said...

Where else but in Madrid, NM!!?

Birdman said...

Just... hahahahaha!

EG CameraGirl said...

I need a GOOD cup of coffee in the morning so I understand! :)

Lowell said...

Great eye, Randy! Can't imagine someone putting this on their mailbox, but they probably have a good sense of humor - unless they miss a good cup of coffee in the morning...

Carola said...

Great find.
Oh yes, I LOVE good coffee. But I wouldn't write it outside.
Do you love coffee, Randy?
While traveling it was (sometimes) quite a task to find good coffee.

Regina K said...

I agree, I love my coffee.

Christina Klas said...

It's true. It does. Which is why I don't go to starbucks... (SHhh... Don't tell them I said that - I live near Seattle!!) ... but seriously though. Bad coffee does suck. ;)

Michelle said...

HA! It's a true statement!

Allison said...

Whether Italian espresso, American drip, Swiss café or the undefinable colored-water of the French... I love them all!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I rarely drink coffee, and when I do it's Starbucks lattes, so they're so sugared up I'm not sure it counts, lol!

becky said...

Ha ha, I my coffee- I've got to get this sticker!

Unknown said...

I am very demanding too. :-)