Monday, April 18, 2011


Lets start our week off with a little bit of color. I really like Tulips and they are in bloom all over town. The only sad part is that they don't last very long. But hey a little bit of happiness is better than none at all.


Olivier said...

deux belles couleurs printanières, c'est beau

Anonymous said...

The happiest flower of them all..well that's my humble opinion :)

zaloette said...

Hi Randy!

I will register the first "kind words" hehehehe. Well, the photo is great and the colors are full of "happiness", so thanks for sharing that photo.

Have a great day,


La sonrisa de Hiperion said...

Tulipanes del mundo...

Saludos y un abrazo.

Allison said...

A bit of happiness in a long day is as a bit of salt in potato soup... it makes ALL the difference! Thank you for this, Randy. I hope something magical happens to you on this Monday morning. :)

Cezar and Léia said...

Red and yellow in perfect harmony!
Beautiful shot!

EG CameraGirl said...

One reason we like them so much is they are around for such a short time. :)

VP said...

Happiness itself won't last long, but these colorful flowers are perfect for a Monday at work...

Kathy said...

A sure sign of spring!

Halcyon said...

Believe me, I'd take those tulips over a snow storm any day. Not liking this weather up here so much.

Beatriz said...

yellow and red, beautiful beautiful!

becky said...

True, moment of happiness ARE better than none at all~ the tulips are lovely, I saw them out walking last week. (No, the tulips weren't walking... it was me! hahaha!)

Traveling Hawk said...

This is the landscape which reminds me on Easter every time!

Have a great week, Randy!

TexWisGirl said...

they're beautiful at least while they're here!

Luis Gomez said...

Great start for Monday!

Michael (Light-In-A-Box) said...

Nice shot Randy!
Our tulips are not out yet, delayed Spring over here...

Sharon said...

I love tulips and as you know, we here in Phoenix don't see very many of them.

Lowell said...

But you've got to admit they do start spring off with a bang! Gorgeous!

Re horseback riding: I would think you'd have lots of opportunities to do that there in Santa Fe, right?

Birdman said...

Our tulips are coming... but very slowly. 10days or so????

Anonymous said...

You are waxing philosophical this Monday morning, Randy. Thanks for sharing the tulips. They are one of my favorites!

Judy said...

Tulips are such a welcome sight after all the grays of winter. Most of mine got their heads blown off in 40 mph winds.

Anonymous said...

I think my wife is planning tulips to add to our daffodils for a mix of color for next year.

Unknown said...

Tulips are gorgeous!

Lúcia said...

Tulips are one of my favourites, I love the strong colors, thse scent, and the beautiful shape.
Have a good Monday!

Michael Valčić said...

Beautiful bright colors here! We are finally getting a few flowers blooming here as well.

Kenneth Larsson said...

Lovely flowers! Very nice shot!

Have a nice day! :-)

Christina Klas said...

Oh how I wish I had a green thumb this time of year!

Kate said...

What delightful spots of colour these wonderful harbingers of spring bring to the landscape!!

RedPat said...

They aren't out here yet but it has been so cool that I think they will last for a long time when they do open. Nice shot of colour for a Monday!

Marie-Noyale said...

A nice way to start the week..
Anything with bright colors after the greyish winter is wonderful!

Olga said...

Randy, we have snow all over town :)
Beautiful photo! The color of the wall and flowers together look stunning.

Magpie said...

Tulips always remind me of my favorite uncle. He had such a green thumb and loved planting tulips.

Jack said...

Agreed, Randy. But I think the better way is to enjoy the time when the tulips are here instead of bemoaning that their time is fleeting.