Friday, November 9, 2012

You Make My Day Bright.

Every have one of those days? Well for me it's been one of those weeks. It's just been that kind of week where things just aren't working out, even my homework just seems to be giving me fits. The other day I even thought " I just can't blog anymore." I've been at it for 7 years now. Then I visit your pages and it all goes away.

I can't tell you how thankful I am for all of you. "You make my days bright." Have a good Friday and a super weekend.


vn said...

sorry to hear that Randy.
great post title. that's how your blog makes me feel.

turquoisemoon said...

Ooh no...bad days come and go. Ying/Yang thingie... I love your pics and comments. You make my day!

Tamera said...

Randy, I always look forward to your comments on my blog. You make MY day bright when you visit! I'm sorry you're having a rough week. "Momma said there'll be days like this, there'll be days like this, my momma said..." Just put your head down and get through it!

I hope today is a better day for you. Thanks for not giving up on your blog! That's a very nice picture BTW!

Tanya Breese said...

great post and likewise :) beautiful image, love the lighting! hope things settle down for you!

Kathy said...

Seven years? Wow. Tomorrow is my one-thousandth post. And I thought I was an old-timer. We all need a break now and then but thanks for sticking around!

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

My lecture assignments are boring too, sometimes! Reading blog post works for me too ! Take it easy, my firend !

Kate said...

Ah, shucks, Randy! We love your compliments, but brighten our days also!

VP said...

I know the feeling, I agree that pictures from far away friends help a lot!

Luis Gomez said...

Have a great Friday Randy! Don't let it get you!

Michaele said...

You are a welcome constant in our days. I know sometimes when we think we need to clear our plates, blogging is one extra that could go. Glad you are hanging on. I appreciate you : )

PerthDailyPhoto said...

So sorry it's been a horrible week Randy..honestly if you hadn't said you would never know, your images this week have been so beautiful. You'll see next week will be much better, hope you have a relaxing weekend, take care.

Sharon said...

The feeling is mutual Randy. I've had those thoughts a few times myself but, I sure would miss it if I stopped and miss all that interaction from all over the world.

TexWisGirl said...

you do, too, randy! hang in there! thanks for staying with us.

Lowell said...

I get to feeling the same way, Randy. And you're right, the blogging community is terrific. Hope your Friday goes better and that your weekend is just plain fun!

Judy said...

I'm glad you are here. I do enjoy your pictures so much. Maybe a short break would help. It did for me.

parker said...

Sorry to hear of your bad week. Would have never guessed by the quality posts you gave us all week.
Good News it's friday and by your words at the end of this post I get the feeling that you are already perking up! Thank you for visiting our blog and always leaving a nice comment! Parker

Anonymous said...

7 years? This made me wonder and I had to check myself. I'm only 5. Anyway, always happy to be a distraction to your homework and the other responsible duties you should be attending to.

Magpie said...

Oh, I know what you mean. That's why I've slowed down on my posts. But there is no way to give it up...I feel such a wonderful connection with so many like-minded people but continually enjoy the diversity as well.

Lúcia said...

I created my first blog during one of the worst periods of my life, and it really helped me to survive and to smile.
I considered the current blog as mark of the transformation I've been through, I don't have much free time now, but it's still an important part of my life. Things, are not the way I had dreamed, but they are on the way.
Hope everything goes well Randy.

p.s.: I love the title. :)


I know what you mean with those weeks (sometimes months;-), but I love your photos and blog - you brighten our days too! Hope you have a good, serene weekend and things calm down soon.

Ron said...

Nice shot Randy! hang in there, it will eventually get better.

RedPat said...

I started my blog 2 1/2 years ago when everything was in a mess in my life and it helped to give me a focus on something positive and I still feel that way everyday when I read the comments from people. You were one of the first of my regular blog friends and I still get a lift from each of your comments and never miss one of your posts. I've loved the pics this week! ;-))

cieldequimper said...

Ah thanks, that's so sweet! 7 years is a long time but hey we all look forward to visiting here. And you've got us another gorgeous shot for Friday. Have a good one!

Halcyon said...

I've been having one of those weeks too. But at least the sun finally came out yesterday and that helped a little. :)
I sometimes think I don't have time for blogging anymore. But I do love taking pictures and since I go to the trouble, I like to share them. Hope you can hang in there! Happy weekend!!!

becky said...

Awe Randy, sorry to hear you've had such a crummy week! Here's hoping you have a wonderful, restful, rejuvenating weekend! (though you've probably got home work.) I hope you'll be somewhere warm & cozy... we've got low in the teens on the way!
I understand what you mean about blogging. Especially when life is sooooo busy. I've had to cut way back on my computer time to get other life stuff done. Maybe you could start a weekly blog instead?

Judy said...

Wow 7 years, I'm going on 6 myself. Hang in there, I always enjoy your photos.

Traveling Hawk said...

Nice of you, Randy! We are here to support each other. Have a good weekend!