Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Blue Gate and Yucca

I shot this as I entered on of the artist homes in Dixon. That blue gate caught my eye the minute I walked into the yard.


Nancy said...

That is eye-catching! Love it.

Sharon said...

Beautiful color, it would catch my eye too.

Anonymous said...


Lowell said...

Blue as the bluest of skies. It's a wonderful contrast to the other more somber colors surrounding.

Luis Gomez said...

Great colors Randy!

EG CameraGirl said...

I really like the strong blue of this gate.

Halcyon said...

It catches my eye too!!!

Judy said...

That pops right out at you!

Anonymous said...

I think that gate would catch the eye of a blind man.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I can totally see why it caught your eye Randy, fab blue!

RedPat said...

Blur really seems to suit the light that you have down there!


It's so beautifully vibrant - the color of water and our planet:)

cieldequimper said...

Such a beautiful, striking blue!

VP said...

Eye catching... and quite in tone with my today's post!

Marty said...

blue is my favourite color ! this gate is beautiful and the yucca too !

Sandy said...

Oh my gosh this picture makes me so happy. Can I live right there? =)x

Jack said...

That blue is very rich. Lovely.

Peter said...

Serious looking latch, I hope that wasn't some leftover paint from a bedroom.

Traveling Hawk said...

A strong and optimist color!