Friday, November 16, 2012

Vogel Studio

This is the doorway to Jim Vogel's studio in Dixon. I wish I could have taken some shots of the inside but it was a full house. To see a sample of some of his paintings click here.

Have a happy Friday and a fun weekend everyone!


turquoisemoon said...

Ooh I like his work!! ...and his studio.

VP said...

It is a quite typical setting!

Tanya Breese said...

he must be doing pretty well if it was a full house!

parker said...

What an inspiring building to create art from. Mr Vogel is a talented artist for certain!

TexWisGirl said...

perfect rugged entry. :)

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I do love an open door Randy, and the door decor is pretty interesting too. Good link. Happy weekend.

Sharon said...

Interesting work lovely studio.

Anonymous said...

I guess I have to be different...didn't care much for his style.

Marty said...

his work is nice and the studio's door is open to see his paintings !
I like that !

Luis Gomez said...

Wow! Have a great weekend Randy.


Something about this is so New Mexico to me - beautiful picture, beautiful studio!

Unknown said...

I never tire of this combination of colours and textures. Wonderful!

RedPat said...

I love adobe! Especially with blue.

Michaele said...

Your posts this week have taken my breath away each time. You have no idea how much I adore the adobe and blue.

Halcyon said...

Vogel means bird in German. That's a nice last name to have, especially for an artist. :)

cieldequimper said...

Ooops, not my style of art but he's good at it. Love his studio entrance though! Happy weekend Randy!

Anonymous said...

Nice reflection and light on the door
Have a great weekend Randy :)

Anonymous said...

Just once, I'd like to come to Santa Fe... so beautiful!

Kate said...

You got some really good shots during your visit to Dixon. Hope you have a restful and happy wee-end.

Cloudia said...

what a sense of place!

Happy Aloha Friday
Comfort Spiral

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Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

His are and stories are fascinating. I am intrigued by his hand-tooled metal frames... beautiful, all!


Jack said...

Your photo today could have been from a realtor trying to sell his house.

Judy said...

I'll have to check out the link. Love the doorway.

Thérèse said...

Not the kind of door ornament you would find here! But I like it in the right environment.

Carola Bartz said...

The outside looks pretty amazing as well!