Saturday, November 17, 2012

Old Door

I like old doors like this with it's rustic appearance and spots of color. I found this on an abandoned house in Dixon.


Lowell said...

I'm with you. I find these most interesting. Looks like this one has had several coats of different colored paint. Nice find; nice shot.

Hope you enjoy your weekend.

Kate said...

I wonder why there are so many abandoned places in Dixon?

Kathy said...

And a double door to boot!

cieldequimper said...

I'd make a what do you call it? Headbord for the bed?

Anonymous said...


Judy said...

Yup, old doors or for that matter old wood in general are awesome!

turquoisemoon said...

That is a great door!!! good pic!

parker said...

Nice! Seems to be made with whatever scrap wood was laying about.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

It's like an abstract piece of art Randy, nice find.

TexWisGirl said...

you and kathy need to team up and publish a coffee table book w/ doors and windows.

Anonymous said...

Very nice but watch out for splinters.

This is Belgium said...

yes, cool indeed

Judy said...

I like this one a lot!

VP said...

So many shades of color here!

Lois said...

What a fantastic find!

jennyfreckles said...

Oh, that's gorgeous. I would have photographed that too!

Lynette said...

Another superb image, Randy. They must be every which way you turn!

My photo with the orange VW van was taken in July, 2008, thus the shorts. Not many folks still in shorts in PDX this time of year--just the occasional young Blazer fan at the Rose Garden Arena, ha, ha.

Leslie D. said...

Yes I'm with you on the door thing. They can be a mysterious portal

Sharon said...

Dixon seems to be a colorful place and this door looks like it's seen several different colors over the years.

RedPat said...

Cool shot! So many nice textures and tones.

Ignacio Santana said...

Hola, Randy!!!...ya sabes que me gustan tus fotografías porque son espontáneas y llenas de frescura!!!

Un gran abrazo y gracias!!! ;)

Tamera said...

I love rustic old doors and fences. The more beat up, the better. Such nice texture!

Michael (Light-In-A-Box) said...

Certainly an old rustic piece! Its been refreshed a few times but mother nature has the gift of time...

Hope your doing well Randy. : )

Jack said...

I agree with you, Randy. Great texture, color, wear, composition.

Carola Bartz said...

This is a fantastic door! I love old doors as well, plus old barns, fences, stairs, windows...
What is it called we are? Photographers...

Anonymous said...

Nice shot.

Unknown said...

Love the different colourful layers. A great find.

Halcyon said...

Love the color and the rustic look. :)


Love those colors and textures too - and how you captured it!