Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Empty Studio

While out on the Dixon Studio tour I came across this empty studio. I remember seeing artwork there the year before. I would love to have this little space. It could be my summer blogging studio, ha wishful thinking.


Kate said...

I would be VERY curious to know why it seems to be so abandoned. There's history there, somewhere to be unfolded. Seems sad to me.

Chrissy Brand said...

Ghosts of the past...

Lowell said...

Well, if you were an artist...and you could be a photographic artist, you could rent this and sell your photos! Sounds like a winner to me. Just don't spend all your time horsing around! :-)

Nancy said...

A perfect refuge to create! Love the statue in front. Does it go with the property? :)

PerthDailyPhoto said...

It makes you wonder what happened here Randy, it was a sculptor oui?

Michaele said...

I just love this too! The first thing I would do is repaint that door. The rest is already perfect.

Sharon said...

What a great idea!

turquoisemoon said...

Don't you just wonder where the artist is now? That really would be a cool space.

TexWisGirl said...

oh, my! i bet it would make an awesome art studio (for a closet drawer like me!) :)

Judy said...

This could be a perfect setting for an artist! The stature is wonderful!
I agree with Lowell, you could sell your photos in this place.

Anonymous said...

It does look to have potential as a little get-away retreat then I noticed all the cars parked next door.

Irredento Urbanita said...

The love to horses is really amazing. Animals never forget us. Hugs.


Barcelona Daily Photo

VP said...

The horse is gorgeous and this place would be perfect as a studio!

Anonymous said...

cool art work!


I would love to know the story behind this place, and yes, it would make such a perfect studio!

Luis Gomez said...

Great place for a studio!

RedPat said...

Looks like a perfect studio to me!

cieldequimper said...

Never say never! It's a lovely place and the horse is striking!

parker said...

Would make a neat little getaway place away from the city! I like your choice!

Birdman said...

Looks like a place with plenty of possibilities. Like Lowell says.

Halcyon said...

A shame...

EG CameraGirl said...

A summer blogging studio sounds great to me! I hope someone moves in soon instead of letting it go to ruin.

Kathy said...

And the artist even left some of his work behind. Is Dixon the new Taos?

Unknown said...

Rent it! But keep the horse. :-)

Thérèse said...

Perfect spot to meditate!

Magpie said...

Clear away a few weeds (so you can see the snakes coming) and put a comfortable bench on the porch and heaven!