Saturday, November 3, 2012

Blanket, Baskets & Rugs.

There is no shortage of Native American rugs and blankets around town. This is a shop right down the street from the plaza and near St. Francis so needless to say it's quite a tourist stop.


黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Good workmanship !

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I can imagine the demand would be high for these beautiful wares Randy. I'd buy a shopping basket straight away for sure!

Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

Hi Randy,

That's a very 'loud' blanket. I love the tourist shops in Kuching. They're full of this type of stuff.

Traveling Hawk said...

I like the baskets but I think the prices are also for the tourists...

Luis Gomez said...

Great colors!

Tiago Braga said...

nice photo you show us a beuatiful thing, lovely colors

Kate said...

My dream home would be one filled with Navajo rugs and Native American art..and, of course, in an historic adobe home. Dream on, Kate!

Lowell said...

Hard to believe there's a shortage unless you've had a great influx of tourists wanting to part with their money.

But on the other hand, these products are so beautiful, that I could see why they'd be snatched up as fast as they were made.

Hope you're weekend has started out well!

TexWisGirl said...

i really like the blankets with the red and black cross.

parker said...

Lots of color in those wares! The first thing that came to mind when I saw the baskets was "Colorful Easter Baskets" already?

VP said...

Picturesque wares...

Judy said...

I would like to be one of those tourists browsing in that shop.

Anonymous said...

Honest to good American made products.

cieldequimper said...

I have a basket like that for the market! But I don't have that beautiful blanket...

RedPat said...

I would want to take all of them home with me!

Sharon said...

I've probably been in this one. I love this photo with all those colors!

Gunn said...

I could do some shopping here!:)

Michelle said...

Nice items...I see a couple of things I "need" :)

Jack said...

I have a couple of places that could use a colorful rug like one of these. Santa Fe has terrific shops, doesn't it?

Carola Bartz said...

I think I was in this shop during my visits to Santa Fe - at least once.

becky said...

Those are really pretty. I REALLY want a wool blanket... those are likely out of my price range, but I may go have a look see.

Unknown said...

Love native blankets and rugs. I need a Native American for my collection! :-)


Those are beautiful wares, and all the incredible handiwork that goes into each one - gorgeous!

Nancy said...

I love those blankets! So colorful.