Saturday, November 10, 2012

Stone and Mud

This is part of the home and gallery behind the apple orchard that I have been sharing with you. The older part of the home is made of adobe. I really like this part of the house but it would be hard to hang art work.


PerthDailyPhoto said...

Hopefully the inside walls will be smoothed off Randy, if not, it would certainly be a challenge. Lovely rustic look here.

Judy said...

I love the structure...I'm sure it would be impossible to hang anything.

parker said...

What character this old place has. A good example of early day building practices in New Mexico!

Kathy said...

I see it has new vinyl windows!

Luis Gomez said...

Wow! Very nice Randy.

Lowell said...

Not too much wall space, right? Looks like new windows in that adobe, and I find the house very attractive.

For some reason this takes me back 50 plus years to when we lived in Arizona. Some houses that had just been built began to crumble. Turns out they used Mexican brick which was not made properly.

Can you imagine your new house washing away? :-)

Kate said...

It would be very interesting to live here. Re. hanging art work: if there's a will, there's a way!

Lois said...

It sure would! I like it too.

Birdman said...

... without chipping chunks of the beautiful mortar out. hahahahaha

Anonymous said...

That is really a neat home, probably cool in the summer and easy to keep warm in the winter.

TexWisGirl said...

oh, this is cool! i'd love to have those walls - as long as they don't crack and crumble.

Judy said...

Maybe the walls are artful enough without anything added. I think in the old days they hung the pictures on long wires from the ceiling.
Nice shot.

Halcyon said...

I bet it lasts longer than most things built these days. I like it too!

VP said...

You are right: that wouldn't be easy, but I like it exactly the way it is now!

Unknown said...

Fantastic! I love it too.

Sharon said...

You are right about the artwork. That would be difficult. I love to see this type of construction and it's getting very rare.

EG CameraGirl said...

Amazing what can be done with stone and mud!

cieldequimper said...

I love how the stones give texture to the adobe!

RedPat said...

It looks very old but is probably toasty with the new windows.

Traveling Hawk said...

It looks nice!

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Cooling in the summer, these methods of building !

Jack said...

The texture of this wall is absolutely wonderful!

MILEX said...


Magpie said...

Can you imagine anyone coming along one hundred years from now and taking a picture of the back of one of the current "track" homes???

Thérèse said...

The art work is the house itself!