Wednesday, November 21, 2012


As I was walking along the road were I found the Tee Pee I came across this old fence post surrounded by this red bush. I love wondering around country roads.


Thérèse said...

And you have only a three digit number! I am sure you can do better with a four digit one pretty soon... just joking...

PerthDailyPhoto said...

That's a very inviting entrance to No 232' wonder what the property looks like.

Luis Gomez said...

Lovely colors Randy.

Judy said...

This is really a nice photo!

Unknown said...

What a lovely photo, Randy! You've captured the changing seasons so beautifully...As a new follower of SF Daily Photo, I'm always eager to see what you'll share next. Keep up the great work!

Sharon said...

Country back roads are simply the best for picture taking.

Kathy said...

But did you find 232B?

VP said...

A masterpiece... with some mystery!

Tanya Breese said...

this makes such a pretty picture!! have a happy thanksgiving!

TexWisGirl said...

i like kathy's comment. :)

really beautiful!

parker said...

Rustic with great color!

Anonymous said...

Someone stole the mailbox!

Ignacio Santana said...

Muy buena fotografía, Randy!!!

Un abrazo!!! ;)

Judy said...

I'm not sure what the number means but it made a nice picture.

RedPat said...

The address of the teepee?

Anonymous said...

We have numbers in our Country now and it is for Emergencies so Police or firemen can locate you.

You call 911 and then have to give your number.

It also could be a house number.

Lovely picture with the fence and the colurs.

I live in the country and it is

lovely. I would never want to go back to city life.


I love that too - it's a wonderful photo evoking that feeling of wandering in unknown places.

Michaele said...

Love seeing so much color this time of year still.

cieldequimper said...

Oh and you forget the A! Such lovely colours too!

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

Nice composition.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Randy. I know I am behind, but I wanted to wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving!

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Me too, but we don't have these scenery !

Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

I would love to do that too. A very curious house number there!

Halcyon said...

Love the fall color!

Anonymous said...


Lowell said...

What a glorious sight. There is something invigorating about walking in the woods on a fall day!

Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Traveling Hawk said...

The red leaves - so nice!

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

The red just makes that photo, Randy!