Friday, November 30, 2012

Turquoise Trail

There are some wonderful things to be found in this shop and some quite colorful vases can be found on the outside as you can see. I hope you Friday goes quickly and you have a fun weekend.


Thérèse said...

You have such a wonderful way to photography the "Santa Fe's blue."

Lowell said...

I still have a turquoise bolo tie that I bought somewhere in northern Arizona as a kid. Always loved turquoise jewelry and I'd have fun walking your "Turquoise Trail"!

Have a super weekend.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I like the big open doors inviting you in to this enticing shop Randy and love the turquoise colour scheme. Happy weekend to you also.

Peter said...

Hope no kids come along to knock them over!

Irredento Urbanita said...

Colorful, crystaline and transparent emotions for you also in this weekend. Hugs.


Barcelona Daily Photo

Anonymous said...

Love that color! I hope my Friday doesn't include another bus breakdown...

Kathy said...

They are very brave to put those beautiful vases out on the sidewalk. Bump!

Sharon said...

Looks like my kind of place to browse.

Luis Gomez said...

Really nice Randy.

Halcyon said...

I like their display methods. Those stripey stands are different and cute!

Tanya Breese said...

i'm pretty sure i could find a few things i like in there!

Birdman said...

I'd like a stroll through here. Small glass is my thing.

Anonymous said...

Not too sure about this type of store display. Accidents happen.

TexWisGirl said...

definitely bright and catches the eye!


Hooray to Friday! I gained new appreciation of all things turquoise after a trip to your wonderful city - I love this.

RedPat said...

I can't believe they put those very large glass vases outside like that. They must have them adhered with museum-grade adhesive!

EG CameraGirl said...

I bet that's a fun lace to browse!

parker said...

Great colors and long shadows!

Jack said...

Turquoise. The color of Santa Fe.

Traveling Hawk said...

Love turquoise in any form...

Unknown said...

Another very inviting shop!