Monday, March 5, 2012

Welcome to Albuquerque

This weekend I rode the train down to Albuquerque on a little photo excursion. I walked along Central Avenue which used to be part of Route 66 from 1937 to 1985. While I was taking a picture near the university I heard some say "Hey, take my picture!" As soon as I took his photo this kid darted across the road and disappeared. This week I will be sharing some of my shots from my walk. Wishing you all a great start to your week.


Olivier said...

sympa la photo et le voila son quart d'heures de gloire ;))

Pinecone Stew said...

This is fantstic. I can't wait to see the others.

I've been a little AWOL over at Facebook, but will be checking in for my NM fix.


Cezar and Léia said...

Very friendly! :)
So nice that you enjoy your weekend, such a beautiful sunny day!

Anonymous said...

Nice that he wanted to be a super star and seen around the world. I wonder if he knew that?

VP said...

It is always interesting when subjects call for attention!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Now that was a bit of a strange encounter Randy! Wonder if the rest of your walk will be as eventful! Hope you have a great week.

Allison said...

I'd stop for a vanilla shake, please. ;)

Anonymous said...

Very nice Randy!
Thank you!

Judy said...

I love it!
I would love to head down Route 66, my husband and I have traveled down it from Chicago for a bit but we would love to go the whole way...someday.

Sharon said...

He doesn't even know he's starring on your blog this morning.

Halcyon said...

My sister used to live in Albuquerque. I am looking forward to this series!

Marty said...

the mythical road 66 !
funny this guy and the shot !
wish you a happy week

Tanya Breese said...

that's so neat that he did that!

Ron said...

Looks like he ought to be on a skate board or robbing a bank! LOL

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Can't wait to see more photos of ABQ!

Ahh, Route 66.

That's a funny anecdote that he eagerly wanted to have his photo taken . . . and then he disappeared!

TexWisGirl said...

what a character. :)

Lowell said...

Obviously, he's a refugee from the law and is taunting the authorities. I think he probably is wanted for teasing a blogger!

Cute shot! Looks like a nice day. Hope you have a great week!

Magpie said...

Sounds like you had a fun weekend and met lots of friendly people. :)

parker said...

Love that old road,Route 66! Central has seen many comings and goings in it's day. Can you imagine all that traffic up on I40 trying to get thru town using Central today?
Friendly kid, and he has Turquoise Blue tennis shoes!

Judy said...

Very unusual! It will be interesting to see what you found on your walk. Most of the time I am just passing through Albuquerque on the interstate which is always under construction. I did spend some time there once for the balloon fest though.

Anonymous said...

Who was that hooded man? The Phantom knows.

vn said...

haha pretty neat thing to happen!
... kinda intrigued by his outfit.
very cool!!

Sandy said...

What a great story. Got to love people like that. What a great And nice shot! Have a great week Randy! =)

RedPat said...

He'd a character for sure!

Unknown said...

I always like the funny people, like this one,
Well done. Why not.

Unknown said...

Cool guy! :-)

cieldequimper said...

How strange to dart away like that! Is Route 66 as big a myth in the USA as it is in Europe?

Dawn said...

Looks like he is full of energy!

Tiago Braga said...

must be a beuatiful place, enjoy it :)

Regina K said...

Home sweet home.

Michelle said...

LOL! I like it!

Jack said...

I am always surprised when someone calls "Hey, take my picture!"

Kate said...

It looks like you made his day.

Teresa said...

Well, he can't say no one ever gave him a moment of fame!

Luis Gomez said...

Love it! Really cool!

Elettra said...

it is nice to find someone who likes to be photographed!!

Anonymous said...

Nice! I've only been to that town (said because I have a hard time spelling it) once or twice and it has been many years ago. I remember eating at a really good Mexican restaurant though. I never forget food!

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Good one! Funny how some people hate being photographed and others go out of their way to have their photo taken.