Sunday, March 25, 2012

2nd Floor Tree

I caught this reflection off the windows of the Lew Allen Gallery in the Railyard. It's Spring so that means weekend trips to the Farmers Market. I hope your doing something fun on your Sunday. Enjoy.


Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

Nice photo. We're having a relaxing Sunday and watching the Formula One in Sepang, Malaysia!

Duncan In Kuantan

Traveling Hawk said...

You have a good eye, Randy! The reflection is very nice, indeed.

Kate said...

Our Farmer's Market is delightful, but cannot compare with Santa Fe's. Perhaps this is just my personal bias?

Your tree is a lucky catch...good job!

Tanya Breese said...

that's a clever shot! right now i'm just sitting here with my coffee while everyone still sleeps...plan to get a bit of cleaning done, laundry caught up....not too fun but i'll be spending it with my kids, dh is out of town till later today so we always have special together time when he's gone :) maybe we can take a short car ride to get a barn photo for tuesday lol....i can hear them upset with me already haha

cieldequimper said...

It's so wonderfully BLUE!

Just like the sky here but I can't go out :-(!

Lúcia said...

I love reflections, but it's difficult to find a good one!
Have a great Sunday Randy! ;-)

Sharon said...

I missed the Farmer's Market yesterday because I was training docents all day! Busy, busy weekend.

Michaele said...

Awesome how they can grow trees that size indoors lol. Farmers markets - how fun.

parker said...

Those windows are perfect for capturing reflections! Nice!

Cezar and Léia said...

Really like the title to go with this image!
God bless you!

TexWisGirl said...

GREAT job! love it!

Anonymous said...

I bet this building could display some great nighttime reflections too.

Judy said...

Nice catch. It will still be a while till we have a Farmers Market but I am looking forward to it.

VP said...

A nice reflection for a grey (here) Sunday...

magicpolaroid said...

really nice gallery and reflection!

Halcyon said...

Hee! I like this one. :)

Tiago Braga said...

i like the refelctions on the dorr, great job

Teresa said...

I never caught the farmer's market while I was there but I did manage the flea market by the opera house.

RedPat said...

Heading out for some pics! Great shot Randy.

Regina K said...

Nice reflection, our farmers markets haven't started up yet.

Unknown said...

Great reflections on this cool building.

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Nice shot, Randy. Almost abstract!

Birdman said...

Hahahaha Looks like treeS!

T. Becque said...

I like all the squares in this. Sunday is such a bittersweet day - a day off, but tomorrow you go back!

Linda said...

Really nice photo!

Michelle said...

Nice reflections in this photo.

Thérèse said...

Love the title!
And farmers markets are so much fun and so rewarding.

Luis Gomez said...

Cool reflection Randy!

Carola said...

Great tree reflections, nice shot.

Magpie said...

I giggled when I caught sight of the reflection and it all fell into place for me. Farmer's markets are such fun.
PS: I am checking into the medicinal properties of wine. :)