Monday, March 12, 2012

Left Behind

Just before I shot the photo of the young man from last Monday (who by the way is in the background of this shot), I noticed that someone had left their coffee on this bus bench. Something I think a real coffee lover would never forget.

It's my birthday today so I think I will treat myself to a Starbucks before heading to work. I hope everyone has a great week!


Olivier said...

JE TE SOUHAITE JOYEUX ANNIVERSAIRE, et avec ton café prend des bons Cookies ;)) BONNE JOURNEE avec plein de g(c)at(d)eaux ;))

Teresa said...

Now Randy, we all know you left it there!

Happy Birthday...enjoy that Starbucks, better than McDonalds any day (although not cheaper). ;)

Cloudia said...

I like your eye!

Happy Birthday - Hauoli La Hanau -

Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral

>< } } ( ° >

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Happy birthday Randy, enjoy your Starbucks, I bet you $10 that that coffee mug is empty!!

Anonymous said...

Nice one Randy!
Have a great new week :)

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

I agree, must be not a real coffee lover !

VP said...

Happy Birthday! Mine is tomorrow...

Sharon said...

Happy Birthday Randy! Treat yourself to a scone while you are Starbucks.

Lowell said...

Very cool slice-of-life shot...but sometimes us old folks forget our coffee cups! Heck, I can lose mine in the house!

And back in the days when I smoked a pipe, I left pipes on top of the car, on golf courses, in stores, etc.


Luis Gomez said...

Have a wonderful birthday Randy! Enjoy your coffee! Party tonight?

Kate said...

And, I hope that someone will treat you to a fine meal tonight, too!

parker said...

Happy Birthday! If I were there, the Starbucks would be on me!

Michael (Light-In-A-Box) said...

Randy, nice perspective on the bench.. Happy Birthday!!! :-)
I'm afraid there is something about Starucks that just does not make me feel good? It's Timmy Hortons for me.

TexWisGirl said...

happy birthday, dear randy! i am so glad i share this world with you on a daily basis! :)


Happy Birthday, Randy. May you be filled with everything beautiful today. :)

vn said...

love that it's a wider shot
gives an insight into the shot
from last week

Happy Birthday Randy!!

Teri said...

Have a great birthday. It is your unique day. And if I was there, we could clink our coffees together in a toast! Love my Starbuck's!!

Judy said...

Happy Birthday, Randy!

Anonymous said...

Love the perspective on this one, Randy. Happy Birthday! Party 'til the cows come home.

PauloSilva said...

Hey! Am I watching McDonnalds? LOL
Nice picture, really! Have a nice week.

Judy said...

Have a wonderful Birthday, and no I don't think a real coffee drinker even puts their cup down :)

Ron said...

Happy Birthday!!

Anonymous said...

I really like the point of view in this photo. I see you doing this more and more lately. Like it. Have a nice birthday and enjoy them while you can. Someday you may just wish they would go away and not show their ugly face. (;^))

RedPat said...

Happy Day Randy! Cool shot.

Michaele said...

Extra cream today ; ) happy birthday randy!!

Lúcia said...

Have a very Happy Birthday Randy!
All the best for you. :)

Nancy said...

Happy birthday, my friend! I hope it's a good one. :)

Regina K said...

Happy Birthday, and I treat you to a latte.

Jack said...

Happy birthday, Randy. Get a venti on this big occasion.

Magpie said...

Happy Birthday, Randy. I hope someone took you out to dinner which should have included a nice glass of wine. :)

Lynette said...

Your very own sort of abandoned post, Randy! Fine one, to be sure. And I'm pleased that you had a great birthday!

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Striking image!
Belated birthday wishes, Randy. I hope you enjoyed your special day!

becky said...

You're right, I would never leave my coffee behind! Nice perspective on this shot :)
Shoot, sorry I missed your B-day, but I am wishing you a happy one now, Randy! Perhaps you will be celebrating this weekend?
Yes, I have been at school late this week... I think I was there until around 6:30 or 7:00 last night & tonight. Trying to get things together before the break! Hopefully I can get a blog post together soon, but it's back to work now, so we'll see. If you ever see me, yell out a hello - I get so focused on what I'm doing, I'm sometimes oblivious to what is going on outside of clay :)

Sunday said...

Happy (late) Birthday to you, Dear Randy! Thank you for sharing your photos so faithfully. I enjoy them very much.