Sunday, January 29, 2012

Winter Day On The Plaza

It was a little chilly yesterday but there were quite a few people out on the plaza yesterday. I shot this on my way to the Souper Bowl. The Souper Bowl is an event that raises money for The Food Depot. They provide food and household products to needy citizens and households in the northern part of our state. There were 30 restaurants that competed for the best in several categories including best cream soup, best seafood, best vegetarian, most savory and the best. It was so wonderful to see so many people there supporting this much needed charity.


Cezar and Léia said...

A tasteful event with a noble purpose, that's just great!
God bless you!

Unknown said...

I like it, ist like a postcard, I like Plaza,s on small town.

Thank you for follo me at the new blog of 2012, could be a good idea for clening bad followers jjj.
Greetings from Cantabria North Spain.

Anonymous said...

That is cool!

Lowell said...

Looks too cold for me. We were at a Souper Bowl party the other night but I like yours much better in that the restaurants are involved and it's for charity!

Have a wonderful Sunday.

Traveling Hawk said...

I never imagined the Plazza like this, as I saw it, twice, in summer.

Judy said...

Sounds like a wonderful way to spend a chilly day, eating soup :)

Kate said...

I wonder if any newspaper reported the results you mentioned. I'll have to check today to see. We were out-of-town on a short road trip down south...loved the Sand Dunes!!

becky said...

Looks like quite a few people out & about. Souper Bowl- great idea. Hope you are having a great weekend Randy! I'm off to work!

Birdman said...

Cool... in more ways then one.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I bet it was Randy. I'm always heartened to see how much people still care about others in need.

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Great view! I miss NM.

Kathy said...

Love that header photo!

parker said...

Nothing like a Plaza visit to feel the pulse of it's citizens. And Santa Fe has one of the best!

A wonderful charity to support! We have a Manna Pantry here in my town, wonderful work they do and you know your gifts are well distributed.

Luis Gomez said...

Randy, nice shot of the plaza. Great charity event.

VP said...

Lovely place, nice bench!

Sharon said...

Wonderful and "tasty" charity event. There are certainly lots of people out and about even if it is a bit chilly.

TexWisGirl said...

love all the colors in this shot. and what a great fundraiser.

Halcyon said...

Must not have been too cold! It's always good to get out and about in the winter.

Anonymous said...

Now that is a nice endeavour. And to think all the $$$ that goes into that one football game, how many that would feed and give shelter to.

Magpie said...

What a wonderful idea and so clever too. You're's good to see support for this type of function.

Teresa said...

That is a great thing to raise money for. I love the PLAH-za!

Judy said...

What a wonderful event! I would certainly attend if I were there.

Michaele said...

Santa Fe still holing it's color I see. Great of you to participate in a noteworthy event.

cieldequimper said...

That is wonderful.

And the place is great, with a nice bench...

RedPat said...

It sounds like a perfect day for a soup event. Hope they raised a lot of $$!

Olivier said...

belle et sympa cette place

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

This is a great event and we have something similar in our city. The winter view is charming and I love your header!


EG CameraGirl said...

Love the name "Souper Bowl." Very clever and such a worthy cause.

Lúcia said...

I do agree with you Randy!
I hope you've enjoyed your weekend! ;-)

Michelle said...

Sounds like a great way to support a worthy cause.

Anonymous said...

Oh, yum. I love cream soup of almost any kind but potato is my favorite.

Regina K said...

Great event and great photo of the Plaza

turquoisemoon said...

Fun foto and the Souper Bowl is a wonderful idea. I'm so in the mood to go to SF...

Jack said...

Good for you for attending, and good for the organizers for performing such a needed role.

Thérèse said...

Good to see this kind of support!