Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Someone certainly took alot of time to carve up this tree. In my opinion I would prefer that they get a tattoo and leave the poor trees alone. I came across this during a hike a few weekends past.


Magic Moments said...

The poor tree is completely destroyed ... but when you're young, thought it was cute to write on the trees ... without considering the consequences..have a nice day

Olivier said...

et encore le tatouage est assez beau,souvent c'est n'importe quoi. Mais c'est vrai, autant qu'il se tatoue lui meme

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

I agree with you, show off of art talent could have been done better elsewhere!

Nat said...

I'm with you! Leave Mother Nature alone...

Kate said...

Good question. The need to deface property by some misguided folks always amazes me. It is so juvenile and disrespectful. It must have taken some time to carve this design; too bad someone didn't stop the vandal!

Kathy said...

Such senselessness!

Betty Manousos said...

that's really amazing, indeed!

what an interesting shot, randy!

happy new year!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Aww! come on Randy, where's your romantic side, at least it's pretty, the tree will be just fine haha!

VP said...

You are absolutely right!

Sharon said...

I agree!

Judy said...

It's pretty, but I would have to agree, leave the trees alone.

Lúcia said...

Me too Randy, I get very upset when I see this kind of thing...

Anonymous said...

Cool find!

Nancy said...

I agree 100%, Randy. :(

Luis Gomez said...

Totally agree with you!

Teresa said...

She or he tattooed the tree!

Lowell said...

I agree with you and I think the tattoo ought to be right on top of their empty heads!

TexWisGirl said...

my name is Theresa, but i swear it wasn't me!

Magpie said...

It's such a hard thing to see the tree defaced, but the art is lovely.

Judy said...

I guess the lovely white bark was too tempting for someone.

Cezar and Léia said...

You say everything!However..very romantic!
I love this composition with all snow, great capture!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

I agree! I prefer nature looking like nature, not like somebody's sketch pad.

Anonymous said...

The day will come when trees rebel and begin carving on people. (just my imagination running wild but would make a good horror flick)

Unknown said...

While it may seem to be a selfish act, Aspens are the perfect canvas and it does little harm to the tree. I can agree with a thoughtful, well done carving, but others that are not as detailed seem to be a waste

RedPat said...

And once it begins it will spread over the whole tree!

Sandy said...

This is really beautiful...I think youth doesn't know better. Nice shot.

Halcyon said...

That is too bad for the tree. :(

Traveling Hawk said...

Harmful or not harmful that's not the problem! Trees are living beings, they do not exist for such purposes. This is disrespectful toward the nature.

Allison said...

Wonderful shot, Randy! From across my office, it looks like a pewter candle holder. :) Try it!

Ron said...

Those are actually some very nice tree carvings and a great photo too.

Way back when the French and the Spanish used to use these types of trees to carve on to mark their trails to and from places, including to hidden treasure.

I'm just saying....

vn said...

totally agree
also there's just so much going on
just a simple heart with the names
is all that's needed - if you *have*
to butcher a tree :)

cieldequimper said...

I dunno... Beats me just as much as when I see the same kind of thing carved into the walls of historic monuments like Versailles...

parker said...

I don't think it will hurt the tree but there probably are better places to showcase one's art. On a mountain ranch in Colorado around the old corrals I happened on some carvings on several aspen trees. Many had dates in the 1940's and 50's along with names, so I guess they last a long time?

PauloSilva said...

Inspiration! So beautiful this picture! Have a nice week.

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

Why not! I love it.

As long as they didn't carve too deep or all the way around the tree, it should not interrupt the sap flow; the tree should be fine...Is this considered vandalism where you live?

This shot certainly generated a lot of comments in the 'no tree carving' category.


Michaele said...

I don't believe I have ever seen that much art on a live aspen before.

T. Becque said...

Yes marking the tree isn't the greatest idea, but it does make for a good photo. :)

Regina K said...

Why is a good question to many things that don't have answers. I'm with you, leave mother nature alone.

Jack said...

I have the same reaction to this that I have to graffiti (or, as some like to call it, "street art.") What gives some people the feeling that they have the right to deface things that don't belong to them? What makes them think that other people want to see things that are personal to them?

Sincerely yours,
Curmudgeonly Jack

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

I'm with you, I don't like it and we need all the trees we can get!

Unknown said...

I couldn't agree more with you, Randy!

becky said...

It is actually nice artwork, but of course I am with you... save it for the tattoo, or ink on paper... not the trees!

Charlestonjoan said...

It can be a dilemma. I often like the art but hate to feature vandalism. True in this case since I like it!

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Too much carving and the tree will die.

Thérèse said...

... if the tree could have decided for himself...