Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Skull and Bow

Before the visit to the Taos Ski Valley I did have to do a little window shopping on the plaza. While walking past this leather shop I caught sight of this skull with it's red bow. How festive!


dieter michalek said...

great, and really funny.

Olivier said...

une tete de vache de noel ;)

Unknown said...

What a contradiction... Anyway, I'd love to have that skull without the red thing. :)

Unknown said...

I have on of those in my bar, jj
Happy New Year, Randy.

Kathy said...

Fun photo!

parker said...

The red bow really catches the eye and draws attention. A nice contrast of color!

Lowell said...

Rather anachronistic but I like it. You have so many intriguing shops in Santa Fe. I'd have a hard time getting any work done!

Traveling Hawk said...

Reminding Georgia O'Keeffe and her themes...Nice composition!

Anonymous said...

:)) Beautiful!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Haha! The bow certainly gives it a less sinister look, fun shot Randy.

Luis Gomez said...

Love this one Randy!

Sharon said...

Very Georgia O'Keefe!

Kate said...

Do you think Georgia would like it? I do!

TexWisGirl said...

my kind of Christmas decoration!

Teresa said...

Without reading the other comments, I thought "very Georgia O'Keefe of you". Darn it, they beat me to the punch.

Anonymous said...

Nothing says "southwest" quite like one of those skulls. I am looking forward to sharing that special bottle of wine with you and Magpie!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Now that's a fun way to decorate!

Michael (Light-In-A-Box) said...

Nice capture Randy, seems to be no shortage of wonderful shops in your area!

Anonymous said...

It does catch one's eye doesn't it? At least they didn't place lights in the eye sockets...or maybe they should have.

VP said...

Strange and fascinating!

T. Becque said...

How festive and very southwestern - I love it!

Unknown said...

:-) Great find!

RedPat said...

Soooo southwestern!

Sandy said...

So cool. super festive! =) Have a nice day Randy.

Marcel said...

Scary skull..

Regina K said...

I like it!

Michaele said...

The way you just toss out words like Taos Ski Valley sends me into a fit of jealousy.

Michelle said...

Well yes...that would make a nice gift.

Anonymous said...

I like that a lot... if you could isolate the skull that would make a superb Christmas card for next year!

EG CameraGirl said...

Interesting how different Easterners and Westerners decorate. :)

Elettra said...

Nice decoration !!!!!!!!!!!!

BlueShell said...

Great shot!
Thak you for visiting!


黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

That is interesting!!!!

Rae Walter said...

Fabulous. Reminds me of Georgia O'Keefe's paintings! Hope that you have a great 2012 Randy filled with lots of gorgeous images. Best wishes, Rae

Carola said...

Oh that red bow is awesome. Great shot.