Saturday, January 28, 2012

Reflections Past

I almost forgot about this shot from last Fall. I took this at an artist studio in Abiquiu. She creates these great mirrors out of vintage windows.


Anonymous said...

Super cool!

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Very interesting vintage window !

Unknown said...

Good shot.

VP said...

I am not sure to understand: that is a mirror frames as a window? A great idea, absolutely deceiving...

Kate said...

Artist studios are always both interesting and fun to visit.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Very nice reflections in the mirror Randy, glad you remembered you had this photo.

Sharon said...

I really had to study this one before I read your comment. What an interesting effect this has when you don't know that is a mirror.

Bergson said...

a good idea

parker said...

Guess you would call this 'The Art of Re-purposing'. Nice shot and reflection!

TexWisGirl said...

great shot, but i fell in love with your new header and subtitle today! :)

Anonymous said...

I would have that in my home...

Birdman said...

So, is this a window or a mirrored look. Am I confused?

Magpie said...

It is beautiful and the reflection as well. Hope you're off to a rousing weekend or restful, if that's what you need. I'm off to Buckeye with Annie to see a cattle drive!

Judy said...

That is so cool! At first I thought you were inside shooting out the window.

Teresa said...

I like that.Vintage windows are so cool. I've even seen people use them for pot racks in the kitchen.

Anonymous said...

That is a cool idea.

Luis Gomez said...

Really cool Randy. Have a nice weekend.

Lowell said...

Thats a mirror? Wow! I would like one of those for the front of our house!

cieldequimper said...

I've seen mirrors like these made from old barnwood. I'll be a customer!

RedPat said...

I thought that it was a window! Great idea!

Halcyon said...

I thought this was a window. Very neat reflection!

Judy said...

That is awesome!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

That is so cool, both the mirror and the reflection.

Regina K said...

Here I was looking through a window through to the outside, instead I was looking into a mirror outside. Nice!

Anonymous said...

Very interesting point of view.

Traveling Hawk said...

very good framing, Randy!

Anonymous said...

Get out! That's a mirror? What a great idea.

Thérèse said...

Something I should have brought back with us...
How fun.

Unknown said...

I think I wouldn't have guessed it's a reflection. This is so cool!