Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Standing On The Edge

As you can see the view from the edge is breathtaking and so was the climb for that matter. It would be great to stand on that rock for a shot. Then the thought hit me, how in the heck would you get down? Anyone have a helicopter?


Olivier said...

encore un superbe paysage, tu devais etre en hauteur sur une autre montagne.

Unknown said...

Awesome view.

Photohunter said...

... gigantic !!!

Ser Vlad said...

This shot is not legal.

Simply amazing..

I really envy you... :)

Chrissy Brand said...

Simply stunning- the sprinkling of snow adds so much to the drama. Heat and cold.

Chrissy at Manchester: a photo a day at Mancunian Wave

Lúcia said...

Wow what an impressive view Randy! ;-)

Anonymous said...

It's a truly "wonderful nature". I want to stand there at least once.

Marty said...

if you stand on that rock, how could we see it ? this image si so beautiful like this !

Traveling Hawk said...

Ha, ha, very funny, Randy! The view is realy wonderful. The colors are nice too.

Nancy said...

The thought of standing on that rock terrifies the bejeebees outta me!

Fantastic shot and perspective, Randy. :)

Judy said...

Lol, I know if I got up I would surely need one to get down. Wonderful shot here.

Sharon said...

Gorgeous view!!

Teresa said...

Super shot!

Yes, you would need to prearrange transportation! LOL!

Kate said...

A bigger question is how you would get up to the top?!

Anonymous said...

Nice one!
I got a friend called Ethan Hawke ;)

Luis Gomez said...

Wonderful shot Randy! I love your new banner as well.

Halcyon said...

Reminds me of that commercial for some credit card lately where that girl stands on the top of something like that. My husband always asks if I think they put her up there with a helicopter. :)

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Amazing shot Randy, honestly I think you were quite high enough!! Even the thought of climbing that high makes my stomach turn over!!

Anonymous said...

The streaks of snow make an already great view even more so.

parker said...

Now that view takes in a large slice of New Mexico real estate! I don't have a helicopter but if a guy got up there, surely he could get down. I think you should go for it! For me I'll just take a seat in the white lawn chair featured in your banner pic, and wait to see the pics when you get down!

Judy said...

You can see forever!

TexWisGirl said...

beautiful! but i'd stay firmly on the flat ground! :)

Umā said...

Beautiful! I wonder if anyone has climbed it?

Lowell said...

I would be happy to take a picture of you on top of the rock if you dared to climb up there.

But I have a hard time understanding why anyone would want to do that. Yikes! Don't you have any trepidation when high on a mountain?

cieldequimper said...

Oh wow. Just too good to be true!

(What do you mean you don't have a helicopter? :-))

VP said...

You did it! A brave photographer for a spectacular picture!

EG CameraGirl said...

Lovely view from where you were standing. You didn't need to atop the rock. :))

Sandy said...

haha i bet you have skills Randy-can't you fly?;) Beautiful rocks.

Magpie said...

What do you mean, "How would you get down?" would you get up?? is a better question. :)
Love the new header picture.

Michelle said...

Wow! Stunning is all I can say!

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

I get tingles in my stomach just looking at it...

Anonymous said...

You worry about how to get down??? LOL. I see a calendar in that photo's future.

Jack said...

I'm backing up already! I don't want to get anywhere near the edge. Vertigo!

Doug Hickok said...

Wow, cool shot Randy, very breathtaking!

Allison said...

Just gorgeous!! Randy!

Unknown said...

Fantastic composition of a gorgeous view!

becky said...

This is one of my favorite pictures yet. You should enlarge & frame it if you haven't already. Just Gorgeous!

Ron said...

Really nice shot!