Saturday, February 8, 2014

Which Way Are You Going?

This shot made me wonder what would make people go out in the freezing cold.


cieldequimper said...

Perhaps some people are like me and like the cold!

Tamera said...

I definitely prefer to stay inside on days like this!

Massimo said...

a nice pair of the right shoes, and no problem at all ! have a nice week end

Michelle said...

Only the necessary things make me go out in the freezing cold.

Lowell said...

People gotta go where they gotta go. And if you're in the house too long you get cabin fever which drives you out in the freezing cold.

Well, that's what I've been told.

But, we've had some really cold weather here, too, darn it, which made me stay safely ensconced at home!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I love getting out in the freezing cold! I think I was a polar bear in a previous life :)

Traveling Hawk said...

It's interesting how so many tracks tell so different stories.

Kate said...

The sun is shining today; perhaps those footsteps will quickly disappear.

TexWisGirl said...

work, i'm guessing. :)

parker said...

I see they are coming and going. Mine would be two forward, a turn, and two back. Inside would be more to my liking!

Judy said...

I like this shot!

Anonymous said...

Some people like it, or that's what I've been told.

Sharon said...

Now that is a good question.

VP said...

I do not like too much cold, but I like to walk a lot, also in winter.

Luis Gomez said...

Nice shot!

RedPat said...

I think that every day lately, Randy!

Lynette said...

Yep, that's a good question, Randy. The answer for me is that I went out twice today to take a few photos and a bunch of short videos. The videos are on my Facebook page and I'll be putting most of the photos on my blog. Thanks for all the times you stop by and leave a comment. You're a champ!

Jack said...

Sometimes you just have to do it. When I lived in the north in the winter, a snow like this would have been pretty easy to deal with, but northerner get more practice than folks in Santa Fe do.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Sometimes you just have to get where you're going Randy :)