Thursday, February 27, 2014

War Horse

Tonight the company I work for will be sponsoring The National Theatre's original stage production of War Horse at the Lensic Theatre. This production will include life-size puppets by South Africa's Handspring Puppet Company. I loved the movie and I am excited to see this presentation.


Babzy.B said...

must be interesting ! :)

Thérèse said...

Interesting and original!

Sunnybrook Farm said...

I can't imagine how they would do that, sounds like it will be something to see!

Deb said...

I missed the movie much to my regret. Always DVD but not the same.

Tanya Breese said...

i loved the movie too! hope you had a great night!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I still need to see this movie. Living in horse country you'd think I'd have seen it by now!

Kate said...

I, too, am excited to see it. South African talent will enhance the story, I'm sure!

Luis Gomez said...

That should be a wonderful show.

Lowell said...

That should be most interesting. I've seen commercials for the movie but have not yet seen the movie. I've heard it's quite well done. Nice poster!


I'd love to see this actual production, the puppets sound so amazing!

Sharon said...

I saw this in Tempe a year or so ago and it really was a great production. The puppetry is amazing.

TexWisGirl said...

oh, i bet that will be neat!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I've heard the stage production is quite an experience Randy.. I think you are in for a real treat.

Judy said...

That should be a fun evening!

VP said...

The movie was great and quite moving, I hope this will be even better!

Anonymous said...

Not familiar with it. I guess if I were a horse person then I'd know.

Olivier said...

ca semble tres bon, tu nous raconteras

vn said...

wow, should be great.
I read so much about the
London production.

RedPat said...

I know a few people who saw it when it was here and they all said it was spectacular, Randy! Enjoy yourself.

parker said...

Life size puppets? This should be quite a production.

cieldequimper said...

Sounds really good! I hope you can take some photos!

Michelle said...

I'm a bit jealous! I hope you enjoy it!

Paul said...

I've seen tv advertising for this production, looks like it would really be worth seeing!

Natasha said...

This is a production which I really want to see at the theatre soon - the puppet looks amazing and I've heard that it's supposed to be fantastic.

Nancy said...

I loved the movie too -- I imagine this production will not disappoint.

EG CameraGirl said...

I bet you'll have a great experience!