Wednesday, February 26, 2014


This poor tree is just old and tired. As many times as I have walked on this path I did not notice this until this past weekend. Maybe I am just old and tired too.


Traveling Hawk said...

The composition is made interesting by the different lines in the photo.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

You old..never :). Maybe you just never noticed it was so bent when it was covered in foliage Randy..

Stefan Jansson said...

Hard not to notice. If it turns green come Spring you will have to go back and take another photo from the same spot.

Sunnybrook Farm said...

That tree looks like something fell across it years ago and though it looks tired it is really showing how strong it is to have survived.

Luis Gomez said...

Nice one Randy.

Tanya Breese said...

looks like it will make a nice canopy in the summer time though!

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Randy, I love a tree with a character ! I hope it stays there !

Sharon said...

It's just pointing the way!

Rick Forrestal said...

Wonderful composition.
I love old twisted trees like this one.

TexWisGirl said...

it is neat! like one of the directional trees used by native americans. :)

Cezar and Léia said...

You got a beautiful picture with the trees and the path! I think we all are anxious for Spring time...and those trees as well!

Kate said...

Ah, poor, tired tree! Don't worry; you have a loooong way to go before you can be described as old and tired. I love your tree banner and should have told you this before.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Looks like it might fall on someone walking along that sidewalk someday! Sorry to be so morbid.


Poor old tree, it just needs an extra prop eh? (though somehow doubt you are anywhere near old and tired:)

Judy said...

Poor old thing, but it's still hanging on to life.
Did I mention how much I like the tree in your banner photo?

Thérèse said...

These two are just waiting for spring to show up. Be sure to come back to this same spot in two weeks from now.

Anonymous said...

Just reaching out to his sweetheart across the walkway to give her a hug and a kiss.

parker said...

Bent but not broken! Probably makes a nice shade in summer.

VP said...

A very nice path, I hope they can do something for the old tree!

Lowell said...

I dunno about the tree but it reminds me of when I looked in the mirror this morning!

I'd say that poor thing is all bent out of shape!

Nancy said...

Worn but not worn out. :)

vn said...

great shot randy.
I love it when you look up and
see things you've never noticed

RedPat said...

It makes for a good pic and I like that meandering sidewalk, Randy!

cieldequimper said...

Lol, sometimes we don't see things that are so obvious, it happened to me with a tree not so long ago, remember? And I agree with Stefan. We'll want to see this one again!

Lois said...

I wouldn't want to stand under it too long. It makes a great picture though.

Jack said...

This is really odd. I hope it is safe and not in danger of falling on someone.

Paul said...

Now there's a tree with character! Had it been straight it would have been just like all the other trees and never noticed.

Kathy said...

Sometimes you just need to look up to see the beauty!