Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Valentine's Day Weekend

This weekend the Lensic theater will be showing their annual classic movie Valentine's Day evening. Friday you have the chance to see Casablanca on the big screen ( a first for me). This year there will be a second classic movie on Saturday, The Wizard of Oz (not my favorite so I'll be skipping this one).
Do you have big plans for your Valentine?


Tamera said...

Casablanca on the big screen is a revelation! I think you'll enjoy it. I am shooting a wedding on Valentine's weekend, so I guess my sweetie and I will have to figure out alternative plans.

Thérèse said...

Not yet...
I would have skipped the "wizard of Oz" too :-)

Sunnybrook Farm said...

No plans yet but it sure would be neat to see Casablanca on a big screen. Have a good time.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I think it would be awesome to see Casablanca on the big screen!

Sharon said...

Casablanca on the big screen would be fun to see.

TexWisGirl said...

probably avoiding all things mushy. :)


I wouldn't mind seeing Casablanca on the big screen myself, V-day or no! (Wizard of Oz scared me when I was younger:)

Lowell said...

Funny, but we just viewed Casablanca on our big-screen TV. I don't think had ever seen the movie! It was most entertaining. I'm with you re The Wizard of Oz.

And thanks for your funny comment about the sleeping cow!

Lynette said...

Jealous over here. Casablanca on the big screen! Wow! I'd have to go see WOZ, too, because I live it!

VP said...

An odd couple of movies, but I like both!

Anonymous said...

I'd see both. Got popcorn?

Judy said...

Every day is Valentine's Day when you are in love!

Nancy said...

Would like to see Casablanca on the big screen.

RedPat said...

I haven't thought about it yet but I love both those movies, Randy!

cieldequimper said...


I'm sure Casablanca in big will be great!

Kate said...

We will try to go, combining it with Valentine's Day and our 52nd (!!!) wedding anniversary. Whew!

Jack said...

I am surprised how many comments put down Wizard of Oz. I thought it was delightful, though maybe by now it has been overexposed. Casablanca? I decline to tell you how long it has been since I have seen that movie. It was probably on a small television screen. If I found that it was playing at a movie theater around here, I sure would think about going. It is a cultural icon.

Michelle said...

No big plans here. Would love to see Casablanca on the big screen.

parker said...

Casablanca is a Classic every old movie lover should see. Flowers and a dinner prepared at home is our plans.

Paul said...

Nice find Randy.
I'd love to see either of these movies on the big silver screen!
Great idea for Valentines Day.

Traveling Hawk said...

Hm, just an usual day for me:) I love Casablanca and Bogart!!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Just business as usual Randy :) Saw Casablanca not that long ago when it was doing the rounds on Foxtel, definitely a classic at any time of the year.