Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Take Back Our Schools Rally III

This little girl was the darling of the whole protest. She was busy hold up her sign and she showed great patience with all of the photographers who wanted to take her photo. She also took time to tell people why she was there. A future education star.


Tamera said...

Oh she is SO cute! Showing her civil disobedience at an early age, I like it! ;^)

Peter said...

Love this series of photos.

Lowell said...

She's a cutie alright! That's the kind of kid a teacher wants in class.


Thank goodness for people like her! I hope she holds on to those ideals as she grows:)

TexWisGirl said...

what a cutie!

Sharon said...

What a cute little girl! A future leader, I'd say.

Birdman said...

There's something innately wrong putting kids in this position with signs.
I don't care the side: Pro or Con.
The subject doesn't matter to me.
Kids, as pawns, not a good idea.
It leaves a bad taste everytime I see it.
Cute smile do nothing for me.
That's how I feel.
ps. ... and I back her cause too.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

She is so sweet Randy.. Its never too soon to protest about the important things in life !

Judy said...

What a doll!

Anonymous said...

A little kid protesting packs more impact.

VP said...

A lovely portrait, but I am still convinced that to use kids, and very young ones, as props for their parents' ideas is not right.

cieldequimper said...

Not only is she cute, she also looks like she's thoroughly enjoying herself!

RedPat said...

An involved citizen! ;-)

Paul said...

Too cute!

parker said...

Sweet little innocent girl seems to have stole the show.

Kate said...

Clever sign and her parents are to be congratulated for their interest and involvement in her education and the state of education in NM. Not too much different than some other places in our country. When will our politicians learn?!