Thursday, February 13, 2014

Goya in Santa Fe

"This exhibition brings together for the first time prints and drawings by Spanish and other European artists working in Spain from the mid 16th to the early 19th century." This is exhibit is currently on display at the New Mexico Museum of Art until mid-March. From what I've been told Santa Fe is it's only U.S stop. I guess I better get over there during my lunch hour.


Thérèse said...

How lucky. I am sure you will post again on the subject.

Rick Forrestal said...

Nice composition, this.
I love this museum.

Sunnybrook Farm said...

You might get all inspired to paint after the visit.

Lowell said...

I wonder how you're so lucky in Santa Fe that you get to enjoy Goya, et. al., and the rest of us are left out in the cold. Must be because y'all are the art center of the U.S. of A. :)

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I think you definitely should Randy, sounds like an opportunity not to be missed!

Sharon said...

That sounds like a great exhibit. I wouldn't mind seeing it myself.

TexWisGirl said...

very cool.


I'd love to see that exhibit! Go go at your earliest lunch hour!:)

parker said...

With Santa Fe being it's only showing, a visit during lunch should be made. I don't know if an hour would be enough time to take it all in, might even have to go back later!

Judy said...

You are lucky to live in such an artsy city!

VP said...

I am sure this is a very interesting exhibition!

Anonymous said...

Must mean it isn't a popular subject?

Optimistic Existentialist said...

This would be awesome to see while it's there!

Mersad said...

I think you should go there, and then show us a couple of images.

Mersad Donko Photography

RedPat said...

Time flies so make sure you don't miss it, Randy!

cieldequimper said...

Methinks you definitely should. And then tell us about it...

Jack said...

Hurry! That is likely not an exhibition to be repeated.

Paul said...

That looks interesting! Are you allowed to take pictures? I hope so then you can share some of them on your blog.

Traveling Hawk said...

It has to be very interesting!

Traveling Hawk said...

It has to be very interesting!