Friday, February 28, 2014

From War to Gallery

This horse has never seen battle although it is pretty rough in appearance. I found him in from of a gallery on Delgado Street which is off of Canyon Road. War Horse was exceptional, if you every get the chance to see the stage performance I strongly suggest it. Wishing you all a happy Friday!


Judy said...

This horse has had a rough life! Have a nice weekend!

TexWisGirl said...

glad the play was awesome!

Lowell said...

Looks like this poor guy lost the war!

Sharon said...

That's a beautiful horse sculpture. (glad you like War Horse, it's an amazing production).

Anonymous said...

That is a nicely done piece. I like it.

RedPat said...

Perfect [post for the day after you saw Warhorse, Randy!

cieldequimper said...

I very much doubt I will ever see it :-( though I might see this sculpture!

Happy weekend!

Jack said...

Nice horse sculpture. I missed the performance.

Michelle said...

Glad to hear you enjoyed the performance!

parker said...

I like this sculpture a lot. Happy the War Horse production was a success.

Paul said...

Interesting horse sculpture, I see various other sculptures in the background. Looks like a good place to go with a camera!


This little fellow is a bit rough round the edges but still beautiful (So amazing you saw War Horse and it sounds as good as they all say.)

Thérèse said...

From a children's book to a movie and to plays, it must be good.
This one went through rough time in the artist studio I presume.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

That's a fine piece of sculpture and nicely photographed.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Brilliant sculpture Randy.. I knew you would enjoy the play.

Kate said...

An unusual rendition of a horse. And, yes, the War Horse was terrific!!

Traveling Hawk said...

brave looking horse!