Monday, February 3, 2014

First Presbyterian Church of Santa Fe

One of my favorite church buildings in the city. Have a good day today!


Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

So many buildings in Santa Fe seem to have these pastel brown walls. Very interesting..

Sunnybrook Farm said...

What a neat building style.

Luis Gomez said...

Beautiful building!

Kate said...

In SF you have many beautiful buildings to choose!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Beautiful. I love the color!

Lowell said...

This is spectacular - the church and your photo. I've not seen a Presbyterian church that looked like that before! :)


I love those gorgeous tones. There's no architecture like Santa Fe's!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I can see why Randy, the colour and style are so distinctively Santa Fe.

Olivier said...

superbe cette eglise, j'aime cette couleur

Sharon said...

That is a gorgeous church. I love the building. I bet there are some artists who have depicted it in paintings.

TexWisGirl said...

wow, that's gorgeous!

TexWisGirl said...

love your header, too!!!

Judy said...

It's a beauty! Love this shot.

parker said...

First-Your new header picture is excellent! Second-I can see why the Church Building is a favorite. Nice capture!

Anonymous said...

An unusual building style.

Unknown said...

Great photo! Thank you for sharing!

RedPat said...

It is such a strong-looking building, Randy!

VP said...

An unusual church: not much grace, in the architectonic sense obviously, but a captivating color!

cieldequimper said...

This looks so Spanish to me which is strange because that would make it Roman Catholic...

Birdman said...

I can see why. Quite stunning.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Santa Fe is a world unto itself. I have not been in several years, but it is not like anything I have seen before. I love that there are artists and galeries in abundance!


Paul said...

Quite the architecture, never see anything like that over here on the West Coast of Canada!