Monday, February 17, 2014

Take Back Our Schools Rally

Saturday I spent showing my support for the educators of New Mexico at the Take Back Our Schools Rally. The Governer as you can see is not a favorite of most here, including myself. I must also admit that her partner in crime the Secretary Designate is also pretty much hated around the state too. She came to us from Florida where her policies ruined the states system so she brought her policies here and people are not happy. Even the state of Tennessee  tried them and tossed them out.  Someone from Tennessee actually flew here on Saturday just to address to crowds and build momentum. Over the next few days I will be showing you some photos that I took at this rally.


Olivier said...

bonne chance dans ce combat

Peter said...

Love that people care enough for good education, cute sign idea too.

Lowell said...

If she's from Florida and was involved in our schools and worked with our criminal governor, you can be sure she's a nogoodnik!

To privatize is to kill when it comes to schools. The charter schools do nothing but take away monies and assistance from the real public schools.

Here, they've also finagled a way to give public money to parochial schools which I find totally unconstitutional.

Ok, I'm done. Have a great day and hopefully y'all can make some changes there.

Kate said...

I wish that I had known about this rally! As a retired educator, I would have loved to support this fine group of teachers. Instead I was at the Farmers Market, but I had a good time there.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Democracy in action...I love it. I love when people rally around a cause.

Nancy said...

Power to the people! :)


How sad that ineffective policies get to spread like that because of one person people somehow put into power. Politics, sigh. It's encouraging to see events like this.

Birdman said...

Those signs could be used over here in Maine. Have you heard of the buffoon we have in our statehouse. Steps in dogcrap daily. Open mouth; insert foot.

TexWisGirl said...

sorry for the state of things there. hope it improves.

Sharon said...

When this many people gather to protest, it should make an impact. I hope it does.

Anonymous said...

Rallies and demonstrations always provide good material for the photographer.

Thérèse said...

Good luck and please don't send them to France. We have to deal with the sames issues...

RedPat said...

Anger turned to action, Randy!

cieldequimper said...

And education is soooooo important...

Michelle said...

Nice to see people taking a stand for what is right in education. As an educator myself, I cannot tell you how important that is!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I sometimes wonder how certain people get elected in the first place Randy, it happens here too believe me!

Traveling Hawk said...

everywhere in the world people are angry against politicians