Friday, July 1, 2011

Theme Day: Green

Another Theme Day has come around again. Today's theme is: Green. I was going to try an capture something having to do with the environment but as I was walking through a parking lot last weekend I saw this wonderful old Chevy truck and I couldn't resist the shot.

Please take a look at all of the various Green objects from around the world:
Click here to view thumbnails for all participants


Allison said...

My favorite color of all. I love this old style, too, Randy!

Anonymous said...

Great capture Randy!
Love it!

Olivier said...

superbe design cette chevrolet, j'adore

VP said...

Well caught, it is not easy here to find a green vehicle, either modern or vintage, it seems to be out of fashion!

Traveling Hawk said...

Oldies but goldies!

cieldequimper said...

Okay, okay, so that's green. Would do very well in front of my green café! :-)

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

That will do, what a classic in GREEN !

Carola said...

That is a nice capture.

Leif Hagen said...

This is a great, GREEN photo for today's theme day! It will be a difficult one to beat!
Happy Weekend, Dandy Randy!

TexWisGirl said...

beautiful beautiful beautiful!!!

Regina K said...

Wonderful find.

Sharon said...

Now that would have drawn my eye too! It looks like it has a somewhat new paint job. Very nice.

Kathy said...

Looks well-cared for!

Julie said...

Now THAT is someone's pride and joy!! It is a very popular shade of green for this theme day. I love the curve of the chrome.

Luis Gomez said...

Wonderful Randy! Beautiful.

Montreal Photo Daily said...

Very nice green car... and big on style too. Thumbs up!
Wish you a happy day.

Mo said...

Love the chevvy

Anonymous said...

Those old Chevy trucks are the greatest. Wonderful choice Randy.

Lúcia said...

This shot is so cool, great composition, beautiful and vivid colour, and a very nice old truck!
Well done Randy! ;-)

Judy said...

My dad had a truck that same color of green! Looked a lot like that one. Nice find.

RedPat said...

Looove it!

Magpie said...

I like your take on the theme. The angle is great on the shot. Hope that all is well in your part of the world and that the fires are getting under control.

T. Becque said...

Good representation for theme day. I again totally forgot :(

PauloSilva said...

Thank you so much! Its an original idea to photograph something green that isn't grass or leafes! Nice shot. I loved it!

Unknown said...

Awesome green Chevy, very cool shot and great entry on the theme.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

This is the perfect green and a great car of times past. The designs of this era are classic!

Bon weekend,

Tamera said...

Wow, great shot and what a beautiful old truck! Excellent choice for Theme Day!

becky said...

Hi Randy,
just dropping by to say hi. glad to see a touch of color & happiness amidst the smoke & destruction of the fires. I have been quite sad about them lately...
i will be on vacation after a few more days of work & am actually looking forward to getting out of town for awhile...

Marty said...

love the colour of this car !
just beautiful
wish you a nice weekend Randy

zingo de mopsje said...

This is great photo, I like the old car with brilliant color !

Jim said...

It's a terrific green.

Anonymous said...

Looks to be in very good condition. Great shot!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful shot! This is a nice classic car.

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Perfect for the theme and perfect in general.