Thursday, July 21, 2011

Music On The Hill

Last night was the end of the season of the St. John's college Music on the Hill series. These concerts are free for the community and held on the soccer field of the college.


Olivier said...

il y a du monde pour ce concert, cela doit etre sympa un concert sur cette plaine

Kate said...

Too bad it has ended; it seems too early for the program to terminate. I would think that it would last throughout the summer.

TexWisGirl said...

as long as it's not too hot, it would be wonderful!

Luis Gomez said...

Sounds pretty cool! Did you have a good time?

Lynette said...

Great photo (as is yesterday's). Reminds me a bit of what I just saw in Hartford, CT.

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Looks like a wonderful meet ...

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Events like this are so great for bringing the community together I think Randy, good healthy fun!

Michael (Light-In-A-Box) said...

Music on the hill, that is really neat! Looks like a good turn out of a crowd too! Oh, those clouds look like they brought some rain for the fires I hope!

Montreal Photo Daily said...

I love these outdoor concerts, esp. when they're free. It's also great for meeting up with friends and head out for dessert afterwards... :)
Have a happy Thursday!

PETRO50 said...

It must have been interesting. Nice photos! Greetings!

Anonymous said...

Woodstock of the 21st century?

Judy said...

Wonderful way to spend the evening.

Anonymous said...

Looks peaceful!

Sharon said...

You and Jack of Hartford Daily Photo are on the same musical wave length today!

T. Becque said...

The light and colors in this are beautiful. Looks like a nice time.

Judy said...

That's a nice event...hope it didn't get rained out.

RedPat said...

I thought that you were in Hartford with Jack!

youth_in_asia said...

Boy, they sure do get a great crowd!

Unknown said...

A lot of people there!

Lúcia said...

Concerts on a beautiful sunny day, perfect! ;-)

Dawn said...

Looks like a good evening.
We need fun nights like that around here!
Did you get showered on?

Halcyon said...

I love outdoor concerts! Hope the weather was not too hot.

Jack said...

Ha, you and I both did outdoor concerts today, but you had the discipline to show just one picture. Looks like fun.

Magpie said...

I see bare feet in cool, green grass. I'm sure the sounds in the air were just as soothing and sweet.

Cezar and Léia said...

Wonderful summer day there, it's perfect for "music at the park"!
Beautiful picture!

Lowell said...

It would appear that these free concerts are a big hit with the folks in Santa Fe! Nice shooting, Randy!

Life Is A Road Trip said...

I love going to things like this - of course it is the wrong time of year for this in Arizona.