Friday, July 15, 2011

And The Winner Is...

Last May prior to the end of the semester at the Santa Fe Community College the director of the Media department came into our class to announce that the college was opening a student run gallery that would show work from students and faculty. She also stated that there would be a contest to design the logo which would be used for the gallery and all marketing materials. I entered the contest on a whim and to my surprise I won! This is photo of the opening from last Friday, it was a really nice turn out and there was some great art to see.

You all know how much time I spend walking along this street and the funny thing is that when I first came to Santa Fe over 10 years ago this was the very first building I stood in front of when I arrived in town. Funny how things happen.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.


Olivier said...

YESSS, felicitation, tu dois etre content. Comme quoi c'etait prevu dans les astres..;)

Birdman said...

Life moves in circles. Enjoy!

cieldequimper said...

Félicitations !!!!

It's a great logo, I love the vibrant red and design!

Kathy said...

Wow, Randy, we are really proud of you and happy for you! Congratulations! Interestingly enough, when I was a young woman and went off to college, I had a mentor, an elderly gentleman who was known by the nickname "Red Dot." His logo on his business and marketing materials was - you got it - a big red dot!

Babzy.B said...

congratulations :)

clairz said...

Hey, congratulations. We always knew you were a winner, though!

Kate said...

Randy, I am very impressed!! A great logo and a wonderful idea. Please tell us where the gallery is located...on the campus or the Plaza? I definitely want to see it!!

TexWisGirl said...

oh, congratulations!!! i like your logo very much!

Jack said...

Well, congratulations, Randy. Your logo is indeed a winner. You got the red dot in there along with other details suggesting the Southwest tradition.

Magpie said...

Congratulations on your win! Looking forward to seeing some of the art displayed in this fateful building.

Luis Gomez said...

Congratulations Randy! That is wonderful.

Halcyon said...

Congrats on the win! I like your logo. SImple is always the best. :)

Sharon said...

Congratulations Randy. I like your logo very much! Great job. Now you can walk in this favorite spot and see your own addition to the scene.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Excellent crowd for the opening Randy, and well done on the logo, it looks great.

Michael (Light-In-A-Box) said...

Congrats Randy! It's always nice when things like that happen!
Re: Fires, Wow that seems like quite the battle you folks are having! A dry hot summer is not always best! We are having little tornadoes & lots of damaging high winds this year..

Michelle said...

Congrats to you and a great design!

Regina K said...

Randy, how exciting to have the winning design. Congratulations! Do you get a piece of artwork for your services?

Life Is A Road Trip said...

I am not sure if my first comment was accepted so I want to say again: "Woohoo, Randy!" Congratulations. I love the logo. I am heading out of town for a couple of weeks. I hope you have a great weekend.

Lúcia said...

Well done, congratulations Randy!
I'm not surprise you won, the logo is great, smart an very modern! :)

T. Becque said...

Congratulations Randy, that's great!

Anonymous said...

Good for you. I bet that was a real surprise as you said. Maybe you could tell us how the idea for the logo came to mind for you.

EG CameraGirl said...

Congratulations! I'm very impressed!

Montreal Photo Daily said...

You've got good Karma! What else can I say?
You gotta celebrate this one Randy! Cheers!

Judy said...

Congratulations, Randy! How cool is that! It's a great logo.

La sonrisa de Hiperion said...

Que de gente. Siempre un placer volver por tu casa. Las cosas que nos dejas son geniales.

Saludos y un abrazo.

RedPat said...

That's great! A wonderful logo indeed and I hope the gallery sees lots of red dots appear!

VP said...

Coincidences are impressive sometimes!

Shannon said...

I'm happy for you, congratulations:-)

Carola said...

Congratulations! Yes, you are very creativ.
Great dot logo, I like it. Good capture from the opening.
Enjoy your weekend in Denver.

Reed said...

Randy-nice design on the logo and congratulations!

Alan said...

Hey, congratulations Randy! It looks a very worthy prize winner to me:-)

Lynette said...

Ever-lovin' fantastic news! I have thoroughly enjoyed browsing your latest posts. If I had been at this event, I would have left loaded with items I couldn't resist and no money left! Thanks for taking me to the market with you.