Sunday, July 24, 2011

Answered Prayers

Yesterday we got a pretty good rain storm,unfortunately it was only in one part of town. When I got home we only got a few sprinkles but there is a chance for more. I guess a little somewhere in town is better than none at all. Enjoy your Sunday!


Kathy said...

No such luck for us East Texans. The forecast for the next week: hot and dry!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful shot!

Kate said...

Hope the rain continues to come down in more parts of SF.

Allison said...

I really wish I could send you some of our rain, Randy. We had a drought one summer - the year 2003 - and the grass actually grew brown and we had to limit watering our garden. People round these parts marvel over that year... and then there is the American southwest that lives a substantial part of its existence waiting for rain. Such a contrast! :D

cieldequimper said...

No rain yet today here, which would be a first in 10 days... Happy Sunday and I hope it rains and cools the USA!

Cezar and Léia said...

Impressive picture!Take care okay!

TexWisGirl said...

hallelujah for at least part of your area. :) hope you get some on your part of town soon!

PauloSilva said...

Wonderful picture. I loved it!

Elettra said...

This picture takes me a little cool, in my city today there are 32 degrees !!!!!!!!

Sharon said...

Oh you are lucky! Phoenix is still waiting.

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

That's definitely a welcome sight! I hope more rain is on the way!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

So happy you finally had some rain Randy, hopefully more soon.

VP said...

Rain can be a real relief...

Luis Gomez said...

Glad to hear you got some rain Randy!

Regina K said...

Rain, rain come this way. Are there still fires in the Jemez?

Ser Vlad said...

I am absolutely sure I saw an image like this in a movive. You've got it man!

Anonymous said...

Through the Windshield Photography, I like. I like too the gloomy skies with the rain drop splats. One photo that tells a lot. Hope you get more.

Lowell said...

That's the way it goes here, too. The other evening we were driving home from town and it was pouring...when we arrived home it was dry as a bone.

Did you clean up your lenses? :-)

Jack said...

I am glad Santa Fe got some rain, even if not enough. Many people around the country are hoping for the relief of rain. We had some overnight, but I don't think it was very much. However, the temperatures are a lot closer to normal today. Phew!

Olivier said...

une belle athmosphere de fin du monde, photo impressionnante

Marty said...

you are waiting for rain and I'm waiting for more sun !! we must be happy with what we have !
wish you a nice next week !

Dawn said...

A great capture of "The Wanted".
Hoping it blows over to your space a bit more next time around....

Lúcia said...

That's good news, hope there are no more fires.
Have a good Sunday Randy!

Judy said...

Just looking at this picture has a cooling effect. Hope we get some of that here.

RedPat said...

We got a bit last night too but not nearly enough!

Michelle said...

Glad you received a little!

Montreal Photo Daily said...

You may have to do a rain dance if you want more, Randy! LOL. I might join you... we could do with a bit of rain too!

Magpie said...

Love this dark and wet picture! The skies hold promise of more to come. We got rain during the night last night and hopefully more today. We need it so badly.

BrandNewStudio said...


Alan said...

Fingers crossed for more, Randy!

Anonymous said...

Boy, I sure hope we got some rain in Phoenix. We finally got a brief storm here where I am visiting, but it has mostly been hot and just humid.