Monday, July 18, 2011

Body Painting

I think these artist had the longest line of people waiting too see them at the Folk Art Market. I watched them for a while as they painted Henna tattoos on many of the guests. I was so focused on what she was doing that I hadn't even noticed the photographer on the other side of these two women until this evening as I was posting this. I hope you have a great Monday!


Olivier said...

tatouages aux hennés , je trouve cela tres beau

Anonymous said...

I like the outfit of the tattoo artist
I usually need both hands to hold my camera ;)

Carola said...

Interesting shot with the one hand photographer.

Tamera said...

He appears to be grabbing his, uh, crotch -- hee hee!

TexWisGirl said...

well, that's different! (i mean the photog on the other side!) ha!

Cezar and Léia said...

It's a beautiful artwork!However I think I would not face it! LOL

Birdman said...

Very colorful. These tats are easier to take then the permanent ones.

Marty said...

it's so nice to visit your blog ! always many colors and happiness !
wonderful !
wish you a nice week
bisous Randy

Leif Hagen said...

You captured a lot in your photo, Randy! I notice the henna artist's facial mask - I wonder if she was from the UAE?

Regina K said...

he he... One way to experience a tattoo. Looks fun!

Luis Gomez said...

This kind of body painting is very nice.

Magpie said...

Sorry about this...but just what was the photographer doing with his "equipment"? :)

Sharon said...

I'd give this a try. As long as I knew it wasn't permanent.

Judy said...

That is hilarious!

Michael (Light-In-A-Box) said...

Seems like the other photographer may have some issues other than autofocus! :-) As usual, great photos Randy, keep up the good work!

Lúcia said...

Sometimes we have "surprises" we only see at home. :D

Anonymous said...

That is funny. I hope he was thinking about having a henna tattoo done a particular part of his anatomy.

Judy said...

Too funny! You never know what will show up in the background of a picture.
I love the beautiful costume of the lady doing the painting.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

As a photographer we have the luxury of "replaying" a scene to enjoy (or not) the details of the moment. Looks like you captured it all on this one!


becky said...

Ha, ha- that is too funny! I don't know if I'd have caught that! Hope you had a nice time in Denver & have a wonderful week! I'll be away from the computer until next week- so I'll see ya then!

Kathy said...

Some guys just can't leave it alone! Love the native dress of the tattoo artist.

cieldequimper said...

You shouldn't have said anything about the photographer because now I'm concentrating on him!

RedPat said...

That sure gave me a chuckle!

Montreal Photo Daily said...

What a fun pic Randy! There's something for everyone. Her outfit, headgear and jewelry is very exotic and beautiful.
Hope you had a fun trip.

EG CameraGirl said...

Amazing what you miss until the shot is up on your screen, eh?

Halcyon said...

Do you mean you didn't notice that man grabbing his crotch? I could hardly even look at the artist! ;)

Jack said...

I didn't notice the photographer until I read your note and went back to see what you were talking about. Hilarious!

Michelle said...

I love henna tattoo work. Very intricate and I would have been in line for one!

Unknown said...

I've seen this is Egypt and India. It's really great watching it being done.

Anonymous said...

LOL...what can I say that hasn't been said?