Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Have Your Cake

This is one of the painting inside of Dulce the coffee shop from yesterday. I was trying to be strong and was not going to indulge in something sweet but this painting was that one thing that pushed me over the edge. The bread pudding with caramel sauce and whipped cream was delicious.


Olivier said...

"The bread pudding with caramel sauce and whipped cream was delicious" No Comment , hummm ;)))

Allison said...

Do they have mud pie? How I miss that ...

Allison said...

p.s. I indulged like you did yesterday. Hubby has vacation days, so we went to a place called Florida, which while it would put the real thing to shame, looks suspiciously familiar here in Europe. I ordered the biggest thing they had - a banana split. For 16 years I have been thinking, "If I ever see a banana split on the menu again, I'm getting it." So I did. "Can I have extra chocolate sauce instead of the whipped cream?" A smile from the Swiss German waiter.

"Of course you can!"

And I ate that WHOLE thing up by myself with not an ounce of guilt ... and now I'm going running. :D

Kathy said...

I'm a sucker for bread pudding too!

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Very interesting ...

Kate said...

A little bit of indulgence now and then won't hurt anyone!

TexWisGirl said...

LOL! the power of suggestion...

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the way all of the color is in the middle of this photo and it fades along the edges. Brilliant!

Santa Fe has so many great buildings and scenes. YOu must be in photography heaven! Have you ever posted any turquoise and silver?

Luis Gomez said...

Wonderful and sounds delicious!

Lowell said...

Lovely! You have the same problem I do: Lots of "will" power but not enough "won't" power! :-)

Have a great day, Randy!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

It's just too hard to resist these things Randy, that's a little unfair putting a 'tempter' painting like that up haha! No chance of saying no after seeing that!!

Michael (Light-In-A-Box) said...

Hard to resist the temting treats!
Yum, Yum..
I hope you folks got more rain down there! Fires still burning?

Carola said...

It does look very inviting. The colors make a warm atmosphere.
That sounds pretty sweet with caramel. Hope it was your taste.

Carola said...

Oh, now I read "it was delicious".

Sharon said...

Oh my, that bread pudding does sound delicious.

PETRO50 said...

We do not make me taste. Converge mnně saliva. Ham, ham.

Magpie said...

Ah, blame it on the art. :) It's so true though. Packaging of products is intended to do the same thing. There's a new cupcake shop in town and I think if I go there and have just one cupcake...maybe I'm not being so bad. :)

Michelle said...

This looks like a cute place.

Anonymous said...

"And the weak shall inherit the earth"...oh wait, that was meek wasn't it? You don't have a chance Randy.

Dawn said...

Sly advertising....
and you fell for it!
I bet it was worth every bite!!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

I love that painting! However, I now feel like I really need a sweet treat!

jennyfreckles said...

No doubt sales have increased since they put that picture up. I confess I don't even need a picture trigger when I get into a coffee shop!

cieldequimper said...

I like the bold colours.

Next time I'll have your bread pudding (I loooooove bread pud) and you can have VDP's treats today!

Lúcia said...

I'd love to have a slice of that pudding!

Unknown said...

Very naïf painting. Cool! Nice shot.

Fábio Martins said...

Hmmmm... it seems delicious! :)
I like the board

becky said...

Hiya Randy!
Well, i will definitely have to try this place out when I get back!! Glad to see you guys are getting rain. I hear the fire is pretty much contained... how's the air quality been?

Amanda said...

Bread pudding - I thought that was just a British thing..I wonder if it's the same recipe, bread, dried fruit, eggs, sugar, milk?

RedPat said...

To quote my mother "It's only once in awhile" - glad you indulged!

Halcyon said...

It's a nice painting. Perfect for a coffee shop!

Elettra said...

It 'impossible to say no to desserts!!

Regina K said...

You have my will power, glad you indulged.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Oh, I would have such a difficult time resisting dessert with that art on the wall!


Alan said...

Who could resist?! Lovely colours.

Anonymous said...

What a perfect place for such a sweet painting!

Montreal Photo Daily said...

No, you didn't??? hehe.
Resistance is futile!

Jack said...

Yes, this does look like a good place. But, Randy, whipped cream? That isn't in my diet.

Judy said...

Oh my goodness, I can never pass up on bread pudding...especially with caramel sauce.

Elliot MacLeod-Michael said...

I've been severely lacking in that kind of strength lately, like the past 30 years