Thursday, June 30, 2011

Skating In Pink

Ok this is the end of the Pink theme. After the first attempt at asking someone for their photo I got brave and asked another person and I am glad I did. Not only was her outfit something not to be missed I thought she had a lovely shy smile. And get a load of those great skating tights!


PETRO50 said...

Takes very nice, handsome girl in nice colors. Delightfully photo. I very much like. Peter.

Olivier said...

un beau sourire venant de ce bonbon rose ;)))

Anonymous said...

I love to see all these colorful people you 'snapped'
Nice Randy!

cieldequimper said...

She does have a lovely smile but crikey, tights in that hot weather? :-)

Regina K said...

A colorful character!

Cezar and Léia said...

Beautiful picture, she is adorable, lovely smile!

TexWisGirl said...

she's adorable! :)

Kathy said...

She is one colorful miss!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Haha! not to mention the pink knickers Randy, they go very well with the yellow tights, all in all a very colourful outfit!!

Luis Gomez said...

Excellent! Now you are going to have to start the 100 strangers series.

VP said...

This one can't possibly work in B&W!

Sharon said...

That is quite an outfit but, I have to agree with cieldequimper. It looks hot to me but, then it's going to be 110 degrees here today. Everything close seems hot right now.

Halcyon said...

She's definitely a lovely lady! Love her colorful outfit too.

Lúcia said...

It's impossible to not smile when we see that smile plus the happy colours! :)

Anonymous said...

A friend was recently tell me of this new type roller skate out, fashioned after the old strap-on-to-your-shoe type steel skates we had when kids. This must be them. I loved roller skating, but I don't think it would be a wise choice for me at my current age. Great shot Randy, which reinforces to all of us "Don't be shy, ask."

Judy said...

Fun! She does have a lovely smile.

Birdman said...

Again, looks like a fun-filled day.

RedPat said...

A happy lady with the clothes to match!

Montreal Photo Daily said...

Another winning smile! Great complement to yesterday's post. :-))
Wish you a smiley day too.

johnny said...

parece una chica muy divertida¡¡¡

Carola said...

Oh, what an outfit. Cool shot.

Traveling Hawk said...

She makes a good pair with the previous guy! As colors, I mean:)

Unknown said...

Both this and the previous shots are pretty cheerful. Glad they posed for you.

Shannon said...

there is a roller derby team here that she'd look perfect on.

Jack said...

Cute picture, Randy. See, asking folks for a picture isn't hard, is it?

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Fabulous color here and what a bright smile she has!


Allison said...


Alan said...

She's wearing her underwear on the outside, and she still let you take her photo! You're obviously very charming, Randy:-)