Monday, July 4, 2011

4th of July

Saturday we were in Madrid looking through the art galleries. I caught sight of these signs all over town. Due to the fires burning around the state fireworks are banned due to the dry conditions and to protect the state from any more fires. I am just happy to have today off, fireworks or no fireworks. For those celebrating, enjoy the day and be safe. Happy Monday to all.


Olivier said...

en effet les feux d'artifices sont dangereux, et malheureusement des gens ne font pas attention ;((

Anonymous said...

Happy independence day Randy!

Kathy said...

As far as I'm concerned fireworks should be banned all the time! So many people are injured by them each year and there are more fires on July 4 than any other day of the year. Hope you have a fun and SAFE holiday!

VP said...

A sensible advice, there will be time to enjoy the fireworks safely.

TexWisGirl said...

we had fireworks going off around here til 12:30 this morning. even tho we have a burn ban in place, fireworks are still allowed on private property (duh!)

enjoy your day off.

Unknown said...

Very wise! Happy 4th of July, Randy.

Montreal Photo Daily said...

We hear you Randy! hehe.
Happy 4th!

Ser Vlad said...

You've got it! This is what is called "to have good reflexes" ! ;)

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

I do hope that the plea will be headed as you have had enough of the freakin fires already!

Enjoy your holiday!


PerthDailyPhoto said...

That sounds like a desperate plea Randy 'no freaken foreworks' and I can understand why. hope you had a great day anyway.

Anonymous said...

I love that sign. I'm afraid if I lived there I'd take it for a souvineer. Have a cool safe 4th Randy.

Lúcia said...

Happy Holiday Randy! ;-)
I hope you bring us good news about the fire.

Luis Gomez said...

Have a great 4th Randy! No fireworks are needed.

Leslie D. said...

Happy Monday to you too..funny sign!

Michelle said...

A happy 4th to you Randy. Enjoy your day off!

Shannon said...

I'm happy you have the day off too...happy 4th to you.
I enjoy fireworks, but there are times like you are experiencing in your area where it makes no sense to have them so I hope people realize that and don't think "just one won't hurt".

cieldequimper said...

I wouldn't dream of using fireworks myself...

Happy day!

Judy said...

In their infinite wisdom, our states lawmakers have decided that it is OK to sell fireworks in Arizona now. It is just not legal to set them off anywhere in the state. Go figure. Like you, I'm hoping that there will not be any fires started tonight.

La sonrisa de Hiperion said...

El camino de la verdad... de lo que dice la calle...

Saludos y un abrazo.

RedPat said...

Happy 4th! Hope that you get some rain.

jennyfreckles said...

Have a happy day Randy - enjoy your day off.

Regina K said...

Happy Independence Day

becky said...

Hope you are having a wonderful 4th, Randy. I went to Pancakes on the Plaza before work, did you go? I thought they were still doing an organized event, but i would be more than happy if they did not.

Olga said...

Happy independence day!
'no freaken foreworks' LOL!
Despite the fact that today is o4/07 we continue celebrating Canada day. Right now I can see some fireworks:)

Jack said...

A fireworks ban makes great sense in your area, Randy. I hope you get a nice, drenching rain pretty soon.

Anonymous said...

You've captured a quintessential slice of Independence Day in America..Happy Fourth!

Oakland Daily Photo said...

I thought it was spelled "freakin." HaHa. I know the hippie haven of Madrid. Good for them that they took the prudent route.

Linda said...

I hope everyone observed the ban. We are facing a week of rain. Sending rainy thoughts your way.

Magpie said...

Yes, I'm amazed. Arizona okayed the sale of fireworks for the first time this year, but most cities banned their use. We had some firework displays cancelled because of the dry conditions. Happy Belated Fourth!

Allison said...

Seriously. And to think that Saturday night we launched hot air balloons fueled by a burning fire-starter square over the town, which was bordered by pine trees! Crazy Swiss-ies. Everything is so dang soaked here that there is little risk of fire. What a contrast to Santa Fe!