Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Sparky, a Firefighters Friend

Sparky was one of the highlights of this long long parade.


Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

Seems like you didn't enjoy most of the "long, long" parade

Duncan In Kuantan

Olivier said...

belle mascotte ;) je pense que les enfants ont voulus être pris en photo avec lui

Ercotravels said...

Awesome shot!

Tamera said...

He's cute!!!

Sunnybrook Farm said...

When we have a parade I usually go to the staging area and walk around to take photos. The parade itself is kind of boring but the kids are motivated by the candy that gets thrown out.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Love this pic! I bet all the kids there were excited to see Sparky. I bet he was burning up in that suit.

Kate said...

Well, you found something that interested you despite the politics and proselytizing.

TexWisGirl said...

i bet he was hot!

parker said...

Like these costumed characters like Sparky. Wonder if it was a boy or girl playing the part?

Sharon said...

A different kind of "Sparky" than the one we see near ASU.

Anonymous said...

Did Smokey the Bear retire?

Luis Gomez said...

Nice shot! Although I can imagine how hot he was.

VP said...

Perfectly dressed, up to the tak!

Judy said...

Sparky is just plain cute!

Small City Scenes said...

Good for Sparky for being a 'highlight'. I feel the same about parades today. All special interest groups and politics. Where are the floats and baton twirlers??? MB

Lowell said...

I'm with you. Those same folks you mentioned in yesterday's post would turn me off, too. I like Sparky, though. And this is an "electric" image.

(You may recall that in some states the electric chair was called "Ol' Sparky"!)

Fernando Santos (Chana) said...

Excelente registo...

cieldequimper said...

Ah thank goodness for non-politicians! :-)

Thérèse said...

Friends are always friends.

Halcyon said...

He's cute!


Hat's off for your patience in getting through the parade!

Judy said...

Awe, he's so cute!!

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Sparky must have been quite a treat for the children. Randy, I especially enjoyed the Coat of Arms post with the array of bright colors.


Peter said...

He was needed here yesterday, lots of fire from a scorching wind.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

He was needed here in Oz too Randy, shocking fires already over Sydney way.. I think Sparky adds some fun to the parade oui :)

Haddock said...

That is one great fire fighter.