Thursday, September 19, 2013

Chess on the Plaza

The other day while walking past the plaza I caught these guys taking some time for a game of chess. I would have rather been playing than on my way back to work.


Cezar and Léia said...

Looks an important moment of this game!Cool image!

Sunnybrook Farm said...

They were really into the game, you captured that moment.

Kate said...

It seems you do a lot of walking during lunch breaks and also see some interesting scenes.

Olivier said...

echec a trois, cela ne doit pas etre facile ;)) un bon sport pour se faire le vide

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Yep chess > work any day of the week!

Tanya Breese said...

good catch! to me chess IS work lol

Luis Gomez said...

Nice capture Randy.

TexWisGirl said...

how cool!!!

EG CameraGirl said...

A game of chess does sound more appealing than returning to work, doesn't it? :)

Lynette said...

I do not know how to play chess. And if I sat on the grass I would need help getting up. But I realize this is a great thing to get to do and a great photo Randy. Thanks a lot!

Anonymous said...


PerthDailyPhoto said...

A crucial move being contemplated here :) nice capture Randy.

Sharon said...

I don't blame you. They are concentrating on the game.

Judy said...

Great capture! There is a guy here that sits on the plaza with his chess set waiting for someone to come along and want to play.

parker said...

Appears to be some serious strategy happening!

Lowell said...

At first glance, I thought your title used the word, "Chaos," instead of chess!

But this scene certainly isn't chaotic. I never learned how to play chess. It seem to move too slowly or maybe I'm just not smart enough. Probably the latter!

Halcyon said...

You don't see this too often. Most people these days are fixed on their phones or tablets. Nice change!

Cloudia said...

Nice shot good to see

Aloha, Randy

Nancy said...

That's very nice to see -- instead of video games. :)

VP said...

A very nice collective portrait!


I would have been too, great midday moment captured!

Jack said...

I am impressed. This is a constructive way to pass a little time.

Paul said...

You definitely captured the moment with this shot! Nice find.