Thursday, September 12, 2013


Meet Kingston, he is the mascot for the retirement facility of the same name. It was a cute float full of retirees decked out in island outfits.


Thérèse said...

A wonderful outing for this retirees!

Marty said...

it happens always something new in your city !
happy life

Olivier said...

"Le roi" belle mascotte , j'espere qu'il ne faisait pas trop chaud, car ca doit etre invivable sous le costume

Sunnybrook Farm said...

Nice color. That must have been a long parade.

Nancy said...

I hope to be this active at that age... :)

Lowell said...

I like Kingston. What I've found from living for awhile in a 55 + community is that retirees will do just about anything to have fun. Methinks they're mostly bored.

Judy said...

I bet they had fun :)

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Good to meet you Kingston!

Sharon said...

He's a cute mascot.

Small City Scenes said...

I hope they were having fun.
I caught your blog from VDP she said I should--LOL. MB

TexWisGirl said...

that's really neat. :)

Anonymous said...

Strange as how one gets older things seem to revert back to childhood years.

Laura. M said...

I return again, I had a breakdown on the line: ((
Graciosa, and hardworking pet :))

VP said...

Lucky them, we will never retire!

Judy said...

So cute! And what fun for the folks.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I like it! Never too old to have fun :))

parker said...

Kingston makes a fine mascot for their group. Hear the Lion roar!

Michelle said...

I like the activity in your city! Always something positive going on!


Now that's what living the golden years is all about!

Jack said...

Hi, Kingston.

Kate said...

Didn't know that there is a retirement community in santa fe!

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Not one noticed him, more interesting stuff behind !