Sunday, September 15, 2013

Highway Shrine

While driving though one of the Northern New Mexico pueblos I stopped to take a photo when I came across this small shrine. I've seen Mary before but I wasn't too sure what the shells were for.


Laura. M said...

I like ... Any place is good to stop and meditate.
Good Sunday, Randy.
A hug.

Sunnybrook Farm said...

They put things like that up here where someone has been killed in a wreck. Most aren't this nice, one was a cinder block with a flag and a can of beer. Anyway nice colors again.

Kate said...

Perhaps the shells are there just to add another element. Indeed unusual since the location is so far from the sea. I should check geological history to see if NM was once inundated by water. Blogging sets me off in so many different directions!!

Kate said...

Ha! Just as I suspected!! During some ancient geological period, parts of NM were indeed covered by the sea.

Birdman said...

Ya, kinda strange. It's not like you are on a seaside villa there.

Jensamom23 said...

I wonder what their significance is.

Thérèse said...

It is meant perhaps for someone who had a deep love for the sea.

Anonymous said...

Simple, not gaudy (or should I say Gody?) like most. I like it.

Nancy said...

I see usually just homemade crosses on the highway where someone lost their life due to an accident of some kind... always rather sad.

VP said...

Fascinating and a bit sad...

TexWisGirl said...

an eclectic mix, but sweet, too.

Judy said...

I see little memorials on the roads a lot. This one is quite elaborate and unusual.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Is that an accident spot Randy? You see them in different spots here where some unfortunate person has had a car sad.

Unknown said...

In my country you can also see shrines on the roads but they are very different from this one. Fantastic find!

Paul said...

Interesting find to be sure!

Sharon said...

The shells are an interesting addition.

Luis Gomez said...

These are always so interesting.

Lowell said...

Most interesting. I'd guess the shells have some meaning about which we'll never know.

Michelle said...

Meaningful to someone, no doubt. I see highway markers where people have lost their lives, but not this beautiful.

EG CameraGirl said...

Hmmm. I also wonder why there are shells there. It may be as simple as the maker likes shells and wanted to incorporate them in his design.

parker said...

Touching! I suspect a child. The shells are probably a favorite object of the lost one.


I wonder too, especially as it's so far from the ocean - a great slice-of-life scene.

Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

I'm guessing it is to commemorate the passing of someone recently..

Duncan In Kuantan
Kuantan nature photos