Saturday, February 9, 2013

Pink High Heel

I'm BACK! After shooting this photo of this poster advertising a show and opening it up at home I saw this wonderful reflection of the car in the window. I hope your all having a great Saturday!


Anonymous said...


Lowell said...

Serendipity has been responsible for some of my best photography! :-)

Very nice.

Re your comment on Ocala: It is a photograph with a paint effect. Triqui is a person who has put together several Photoshop "Actions." I especially like this one.

Have a great Sunday!

TexWisGirl said...

pretty nice car 'lurker'

Anonymous said...

I am more intrigued with the dirty pink high heel. Would make for a good photo project.

Kate said...

Our Saturday was great; got some good photos but none quite as unusual as this one!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

So great to get these little surprises when you download hey Randy, nice one!

RedPat said...

I love it Randy!

VP said...

Nice poster!


I love little surprises like that - lovely poster too!